Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Saturday, August 3, 2013
Be good to each other and live in joy with Us.
- Message No. 223 -

My child. My dear child. It is important that you also meet with other people, because only in this way can you exchange ideas and talk about things together, spread Our Word, find solutions to certain things.
It is not good for any of Our so beloved children to be always alone, because man was created for togetherness and for exchange (verbally) with his fellow men. There will always be children of God whom you reach out to more than others, but what is important is a loving togetherness with all children of God.
Those who isolate themselves, who are only concerned with themselves, will soon be alone, and that is not good for your soul. Go out, meet with people and always stay in touch with Us. You were created to live, be aware of that, because hermitage is not for everyone. Only a few can endure being completely alone in seclusion of body and soul. Only a few of Our children are truly called to it.
Therefore, enjoy life and exchange with each other. Create beautiful moments in your everyday life and enjoy this "time out" from your obligations. Come to Us when it is good for you, to Our Holy Places or where you feel closest to Us and enjoy your time with Us and also enjoy it with others. This is what God the Father has designed for you: To live with HIM and in common with others in love and trust, where joy refreshes your heart and you are faithful and devout to your Heavenly Father.
My beloved children, be good to each other and live in joy with Us. Then your life will become beautiful again and your burdens easier to bear.
I love you.
Your loving Mother in Heaven. Mother of all God's children.
"Amen, I say this to you: Whoever is not good to his neighbor will not be good to God.
He who treads underfoot after his neighbor treads underfoot also after God the Father.
Therefore be good to one another and bestow on one another love, joy, appreciation and respect.
So then you will also give gifts to God the Father, and HE who is almighty will reward you well.
Be good, then, and be faithful and pious, for this is the way that will bring you to HIM.
So be it.
Your loving Jesus.
Savior of all God's children."
Source: ➥