Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Sunday, July 28, 2013
Where My Son will reign, sin will no longer exist!
- Message No. 217 -

My child. My dear child. I, your Holy Mother in Heaven, love you. Write, My child, for great is the word I proclaim to you, great and important and helpful what I, My Son and God the Father have to say to you.
My children. Come to Us, be converted, be devout again and do good to one another, for this is the way to glory, only in this way will you come closer to God the Father, until you finally enter His New Kingdom, as soon as the gates to it are opened, and this event, full of solemnity and joy, is imminent.
My children. Convert. Whoever does not know My Son, give HIM his YES now, for it is up to him that he has not taken HIM, the Savior of the world, into his heart. Open your hearts, My beloved children, for only in this way can you enter the New Glory, only in this way can My Son take you with Him, on the day of great joy, when all suffering will have an end.
My children. God, Our Father, has prepared the most beautiful things for you. You will enter this New Glory so amazed, because it surpasses every expectation and imagination. God, Our Father, is omnipotent, and in His omnipotence and in deepest love for you, HE has created this grace-filled New Paradise so that all of you can dwell with HIM and live as true children of God the happiness and joy HE has laid out for you at the beginning of time.
My children. Where My Son will reign, sin will no longer exist! Just imagine how glorious this is: A world without sin, without suffering, without torment, where there is neither hunger nor sickness, evil nor bad. You will be fine, because God personally cares for you, but give HIM your YES, so HE can do the same!
It is your free will that keeps you away from God the Father and His gifts, because only who comes to Him voluntarily and in joy, He can also give him gifts. He will never act against your free will, therefore, My dear children, give Him your YES, come to Jesus and God the Father, and eternity will also become beautiful for you.
I love you, My beloved children.
Your loving Mother. Mother of all the children of God.
"Amen, I say this to you: Whoever does not hear the Word of My Mother, whoever does not follow it, the Word, does not perceive Her call, will be lost in eternity, and there is nothing I could then do for him.
Believe and trust, for the Word of My Mother is Holy!
So be it.
Your loving Jesus.
Savior of all God's children."
"My children. Mary is here to help you. Believe and trust, for everything will come as she tells you."
Your Father in heaven. God Most High." Thank you, My child.
Source: ➥