Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany


Friday, July 26, 2013

A world without respect and morality is a hell on earth.

- Message No. 215 -


Saint Bonaventure has tears in his eyes.

My child. My flower, yes, I am sad because people have no respect. They are noisy, inconsiderate, trample around in the altar space, which is HOLY!, and no longer show Us any reverence. This cannot go on, where are you going? A world without respect and morality is a hell on earth.

He who has no respect is not worthy of God, and yet Our Lord loves each one of you. He who no longer shows reverence will not enter the New Kingdom of Heaven, for there it is love that makes you treat each other with reverence and respect, but where respect and reverence are lacking, there is no true love to be found, and without love you go into the abyss of darkness, into perdition, where there is neither respect nor morality, reverence nor love.

To each what he wants! Continue to muddle through this world, obstruct your life in the wonderful eternity of God the Father and dig your eternal grave in the dwelling of the devil, but be sure that you will not die, because your soul is created for eternity, and you are doing it suffering, torture and torment!

Wake up! Respect one another and pay your respects to your Holy Father in Heaven. Then, My dear children, you will have a chance to receive the glories that the Lord has in store for you, and your soul will be well forever.

Don't be stupid and start the path with the commandments of God the Father, then you will come back home to HIM and your soul will be saved, because whoever is good and faithful and pious will be taken by the Son of Man, who is of Divine origin.

Come, My children, come and give your YES to HIM, your Jesus! Great will be the joy of your soul and great the gifts that await you.

I love you.

Your Saint Bonaventure.

Believe Me!

Source: ➥