Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Thursday, July 18, 2013
My son will come to conquer!
- Message No. 206 -

My child. My dear child. Sit with Me and write, because soon My Son will come to you, and you must prepare yourselves so that you can meet HIM in love and your soul confesses HIM, because only in this way can you then go with HIM when HE comes to you for the Second Time to put an end to evil and take you with Him to the newly created Paradise, which God, Our Father, has created anew in perfection and love for each of His children, so that you can finally live freed from suffering, sickness, doubt and hunger, without malice and in absolute love with Jesus and Heaven, ready to receive this life as children of God and freed from all sin, which will then no longer exist.
My children. God the Father created you, HE created the world, the universe, the stars. He is the Creator of all being, and He is Love. HE is almighty and perfect, HE is kind and full of joy. HE trusts, HE loves, HE gives mercy and grace. He is the Father of all being, a Father who is pure love and as such loves His children above all, protects, cares and heals. HE forgives, HE gives life, HE is your joy, your happiness, your confidence, your home.
So prepare yourselves, My so beloved children, so that not one of you will be lost, because it is through the love of My Son, His unity with the Father, the sacrifices He took upon Himself for you, that will lead you back to the Sacred Heart of your Father, into His loving Holy Arms and that will let you live eternal life in the Kingdom of your Creator, because by dying on the Cross, Jesus redeemed each one of you and thus paved the way for each one of you into the Kingdom of Heaven.
Now that this world as you know it is coming to an end, you must prepare yourselves for the Second Coming of My Son, for only those who have purified their souls, who have given their YES to Jesus, and who are pure of heart, will be taken into this New Glory, the New Kingdom of My Son, which you will reach WITHOUT physical death, if you have prepared yourselves and receive My Son duly, reverently, in love and full of joy.
Detach yourselves now from everything material. Renounce evil and all that comes from it, for only in this way will you be able to go along, only in this way will you be able to enter this New World at this moment of the merging of heaven and earth without suffering physical death.
My children. Believe and trust. I love you. Each one of you, My so beloved children.
Your loving Mother in Heaven. Mother of all God's children.
"My child. My daughter. The transition to My New Kingdom will happen in less than a second. You will pass from this world known to you to the newly created one in just a moment. That is why, My beloved children, it is so important that you prepare yourselves and purify your souls. Obtain a good heart in purity, for whoever does not do this will be lost. Pray much, and pray fervently, and pray especially also for the lost souls. For it will be through your prayer that they too will be saved and turn to Me of their own free will.
My children. Pray. For it will only be through your prayer that these lost children will still be able to save themselves and their souls. I love you so much. Be sure that if I was with you, with each one of you, to show you the way, this will be your last chance to profess Me.
Everything will come very quickly after this, and then when I come in the sky highly visible to all the children of the earth, the dark days will cover your earth. I will fight for you, My children, with all the heavenly hosts. After that, there will be a silence, but be warned and do not leave your homes. The devil will roam around to tempt you one last time, and evil, cunning tricks he will use, so do not open any window or door. Have candles ready in your houses, consecrated by My holy servants, for these will give you light and protection. Wear your holy mementos and have your holy objects with you.
My children so beloved by Me. A bad time is yet to come, but I will come and redeem you and embrace each one with My love. My Holy Father has prepared everything, the date, as you know, is set, but I cannot and must not reveal it, for only My Father knows it exactly, but He has instructed Me to tell you that it is very near.
My children. Look forward to the beautiful time that awaits us all in the New Jerusalem. Hold on and be always ready for Me, for your Jesus who loves you so much.
I love you. And I will come to save you.
Your Jesus.
Savior of all God's children."
"My child. My daughter. My Son will come very soon. The date for that day only I know, but HE also knows approximately when it will be. Hang in there, love one another, and enjoy the last days before the greatest of all battles for souls comes to its climax.
My Son will come to conquer, but many of you who do not love Him and pay homage to the beast will be lost. This makes Me very sad, because they are MY lost children, whom Satan has stolen from ME. Through seduction and lies, sex and intrigue, he has blinded them and led them astray, and only a miracle can still save them.
This miracle, My dear children, is you praying. Your prayer is so strong, so powerful, that it can reach even the blackest of souls and kindle its light, My light, in it. But time is short, so pray much and fervently for this and all souls.
Prayer no. 25: Prayer for conversion of lost souls .
Oh, My God, My Almighty Father, who art Thou pure Love.
Convert all Your children and send Your Holy Spirit even to the blackest of souls, that HE may kindle in them YOUR light and give clarity to that soul.
Do this for all lost souls and give my prayer the power, the strength and the love to convert the darkest of souls.
I love You, dear Father, and I thank You, dear Holy Spirit.
My child, this prayer spoken in love will save many souls from the abyss. My Holy Spirit will make the light shine in this soul/s and show the soul the way to ME.
Thank you, My beloved daughter. Hold on, hold on everyone. Very soon My Son will come to you and all your suffering, distress and longing will come to an end.
I love you so much.
Your ever-loving Father in Heaven.
Creator of all God's children and Creator of all being."
Source: ➥