Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Monday, July 15, 2013
It is Our Word that awakens people, accomplishes the change in their hearts, through which their soul is prepared.
- Message No. 203 -

- Feast: La Virgen del Carmen Our Lady: "My child. Today I am with you and I protect you, for great is My love for you, and My protection I grant you, for I love you.
My child. Tomorrow you will celebrate My feast, and I will be among you, on that wonderful day. Forget your doubts and what they try to make you believe, for I, the Mother of all God's children, am here with you and among you, but only a few chosen children can see Me, only a few can hear My Word, and only a few are chosen by My Holy Son and His Heavenly Father to spread Our Word."
Jesus: "To this, My so beloved daughter, you belong, because for a long time We have been preparing you, much longer than you are capable of knowing, and more and more you are becoming aware of this, because you, too, are learning to grasp connections, to understand, and can draw a line between then and now, a line that was solely for your personal preparation to spread Our Word in the world in which you live today."
"My daughter, I love you so much. Keep writing for Me, for My so beloved Mary, whom I, your Holy Father, created and prepared to give birth to the most holy of sons, and for My Son, because it is Our Word that awakens men, it is Our Word that accomplishes the change in their hearts, it is Our Word through which their soul is prepared for this wonderful new time in which evil is destroyed and almighty love triumphs and lives, for love alone will reign in the new world, only good will exist there for you.
My glories I will bequeath to you, then, when heaven merges with earth and evil has been plunged into the eternal abyss.
I love you, My so beloved children, and I look forward to you. To each one of you.
Your ever-loving Father.
Creator of all God's children. Creator of all being.
Thank you, My daughter. I love you very much."
Source: ➥