Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Sunday, June 30, 2013
Many souls are "on the brink" of hell.
- Message No. 188 -

My child. My dear child. Good morning. Write, My child. I, your Mother in Heaven, want to tell you today that it will continue to take much prayer to be able to save many more souls.
Many souls are "on the brink" of hell. If no one were to pray for them, they would be lost forever, for the devil's power over them is too great for them to be able to save their souls by their own efforts.
Many do not see the way towards God. They do not see the light, they do not feel the divine love, because they are "lulled" in the devil's veil, the mists of darkness, from which it is very difficult to free themselves.
It takes many atoning souls to be able to save such a soul and the sacrifice of your prayers and especially your rosaries to save these souls from the definitive abyss.
So continue to pray, My children so beloved by Me. Pray much and pray in My Son's intentions for the salvation of souls. Then these poor souls, so lost and misguided, will experience hope again, and they will be spared the deep abyss of hell. You thus lead the soul to God the Father, giving it the possibility of attaining eternal life in paradise after being purified and cleansed.
So pray, My children, and rejoice in the fact that with your prayer you can bring thousands of souls on the right path. Now multiply this number by the number of Our prayer children, and you will get a quiet idea of how powerful prayer is.
Rejoice, My children, for Heaven does too! So be it.
Your loving Mother in Heaven. Mother of all the children of God.
Source: ➥