Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Thursday, June 27, 2013
It is of utmost importance that you respond to My Father's call.
- Message No. 185 -

My child. My dear child. Your prayer was needed. So many unholy Masses are being held by Our apostate children that We call you -Our Remnant Army- to stand against them, for otherwise millions of souls would be lost, and by your praying for hours in the intentions of Jesus and for the salvation of souls, you are standing against these dark Masses so that many souls can be saved whom otherwise the devil would have dragged into perdition.
Jesus needs you more than ever. Your prayer is the way that saves souls. If you hold against this naughtiness of Masses, praying your rosaries the entire length of these black, unholy Masses, offering up the time to God the Father, then the lost souls will not be lost and the dark side of Satan will lose its power.
Pray, My children, pray. Pray whenever We call you. Only in this way can My Holy Son save many more souls. Only in this way will your world keep the light of God.
So pray, My beloved children, and trust in My Son. Then millions and millions of souls will still be saved until the day when HE comes again, from heaven high with all the signs, and after the ultimate battle, the battle of battles, where Satan is thrust into the lake of fire and loses all power over you, takes you to His Kingdom where you will live in eternal peace and true joy.
For when the final battle is fought, the New World will come into being, a world that will merge heaven and earth and where all-encompassing love will become the gift of everyone and you will experience the long-awaited glories of God the Father, your Creator.
Hold on and be ready at all times, for prayer is your strongest weapon in this battle for souls.
So be it.
Your loving Mother in Heaven. Mother of all God's children.
My child. My daughter.
It is of utmost importance that you respond to My Father's call.
The battle of souls has begun, and the followers of Satan are about to push thousands and millions of souls into perdition. Dark, unholy masses are using them to pay homage to the Beast, for thus their souls are becoming blacker and blacker, their intentions more and more cruel, and their deeds sinful and filthy.
Do not be discouraged, for I, your Jesus, am always with you, and through Holy Prayer, especially your Rosaries, you avert much evil and help save these souls otherwise devoured by the devil and give them hope of an eternity in the Kingdom of God the Father.
My children. My children so loved by Me. Keep praying and be strong! The end times have begun and the time will soon be over. Therefore, keep praying and be My remnant army. For I will be victorious on the day of decision and take with Me all those who are loyal to Me.
Thank you, My children.
Your loving Jesus.
"My child.
Tell the world that We love it and that We do not want to lose one of Our children.
There is still time to repent, but soon everyone must have decided. So be it. Your loving Mother in Heaven."
Explanation and Vision: Until 6 o'clock in the morning I prayed the rosary, over and over again. Around 6 o'clock, I saw the following:
Countless souls who were on the brink of hell and were about to be pushed into the abyss by the black mass. Then I saw how the prayer in the intentions of Jesus, for the salvation of souls and the sacrifice of this time of prayer, as in the tug of war, saved these souls from the abyss. They were not devoured.
At pretty much 6 a.m., I saw the dissolution of the Black Mass and experienced relief, got tired and was finally allowed to sleep after praying the Mercy Rosary for hours -the length of the Mass and a bit more-.
Source: ➥