Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Monday, June 24, 2013
Whoever lives according to Heavenly Father's commandments will be eternally happy and fulfilled.
- Message No. 182 -

My child. My dear child. Tell the world that We love it and that is why We chose Our seer children to bring to you the Word of God proclaimed through Us, the helpers of the Almighty Father, in the language that you all understand and with the helps that will lift the veils of unbelief for you, open the gates to the Divine Way and prepare your hearts for the Second Coming of My Holy Son, so that with purified and purified and joyful souls you can go with HIM to the wonderful eternity that God the Father has prepared for all His children of God and which is the promised inheritance of your and your ancestors: The New Kingdom of My Son, the New Jerusalem, the Paradise.
My children. Make your way to God the Father! Run towards your Savior Jesus Christ! Come to Him! Give HIM your YES and become true children of God again, those who obey, accept, respect and live according to His Holy Word, because whoever lives according to the commandments of the Heavenly Father will be eternally happy and fulfilled.
My children. Set out on your way! Now is the time to do so. Soon, very soon, the time of decision will be over, and whoever has not turned to Jesus will be lost in the mire of the devil. So confess Jesus now! Before it is too late!
Then, My beloved children, HE will take you, and the long-awaited era of peace will be yours.
So be it.
Your loving Mother in Heaven. Mother of all the children of God.
Source: ➥