Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Wednesday, June 19, 2013
The time you are living in is the end time.
- Message No. 177 -

My child. My dear child. Come to Me and sit down. Listen to what I have to say to the world and make it known: If you, My beloved children, do not repent and confess My Son, give HIM your YES and begin to live with Us, Heaven on earth, you will have a bad time. The time you are living in is the end time, and if you do not decide, change your life and accept, respect and keep the commandments of God, you will perish and fall into eternal damnation.
Come to Jesus and give HIM your YES, for only in this way will you be saved. You must begin to direct your life towards God. Whoever remains entangled in material things, the light of the Lord will not be revealed to him. He will dwell in veils and ultimately fall into darkness.
Push aside the veils that prevent you from seeing the light of the Lord! Get out of your material world and LISTEN INTO YOURSELF. Most of you are already unable to do that, so distracted are you with externalities. They can't find peace anymore, they can't switch off, because they are so caught up in the everyday world of illusion that they can't see or hear what is actually true and valuable.
God the Father is here! He has sent you Jesus, His only begotten Son, but you deny Him. What has happened to you that you are so lost in your existence? Where do you all want to go? The only way to happiness and fulfillment is God the Father, and Jesus, My Son, is the bridge to Him.
I, your Holy Mother in Heaven, who loves you so much, bring you to My Son! You only have to ask Me for it. That's all you need to do for now, because he who asks will be heard! It is so simple and yet you make it so difficult for yourselves. Come in peace! Seek out (holy) places of rest and power! You don't have to go far to find them, because they are everywhere! Even a piece of forest or a meadow, a small river, lake or brook can become such places for you, if you go there alone and in peace and seek the union, the conversation with Us. We are omnipresent and reveal Ourselves wherever you call Us. But for this you must be in silence, for it is you who do not see Us, do not hear Us, do not perceive Us.
So come in peace and find your place of strength and silence. Then, My dear children, you will find the way to Jesus and go the way to God the Father, for whoever comes to Us will not perish.
So be it.
Your loving Mother in Heaven. Mother of all God's children.
Thank you, My, My daughter.
Source: ➥