Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Sunday, June 9, 2013
Never were the graces that God the Father sent to earth greater and more powerful than now.
- Message No. 167 -

My child. My dear child. Today is a glorious day, for the Spirit of God is among you, My beloved children.
My child. My dear child. It is good that you are here again, with Us, in this wonderful, glorious, holy place that We gave to humanity to increase faith and conversions, and to give you, Our beloved children, strength and rest to withstand the mundanities.
My child. It is time for all God's children to find Us again. You must pray for all the children of this earth, so that they will find the right path of true love and the desire in their hearts, the longing for God the Father, will become greater and greater, so that they will take the step of conversion and give their YES to Jesus.
Without a YES to My Son, the soul will fare badly. It will experience much suffering, worse suffering than what you can imagine here on your earth. Pray for all of God's children that they will repent and walk the path of love that will lead them to God the Father.
Love one another as Jesus loves you, and help one another in need and suffering, but also in love and joy. Whoever helps each other, whoever does good for his fellow man, whoever takes himself completely back and cares for the welfare of others, will reap the fruits of heaven, but you must give your YES to My Son, because only in this way will the gates of heaven also open for you, only in this way will you be taken along when on the day of great joy My Son comes to you and the doors of the New Jerusalem are opened.
My children. Trust in Our Word. The end is closer than you think. Prepare yourselves and come to Us. The gates of heaven are now open, that We may hasten to you when you call Us. Believe and trust! I, your Mother in Heaven, united with the saints and the angels, stand ready to defend and help you.
In order for everyone to find My Son and give HIM his YES, much prayer is still needed. Therefore, My children, pray and ask for Our help. Never were the graces that God the Father sent to earth greater and more powerful than now.
Pray, then, for all God's children, so that none will be lost, and on the day of great joy each one will be able to enter with My Son into the New Paradise, His Kingdom.
So be it.
Your loving Mother in Heaven.
Source: ➥