Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Wednesday, June 5, 2013
Only God is all-powerful!
- Message No. 163 -

My child. My dear child. Sit down with Me. Today is a glorious day, for much purification has taken place on your earth, and many conversions have taken place in the deepest parts of many people.
Others ponder why everything is the way it is, looking for a greater whole, where all the weather irregularities could come from and why. Here, the Holy Spirit is now working quite actively in these hearts to help them find their way to their Creator and the Creator of us all.
And then there are those who really "rack their brains" with tense effort, but just can't find an explanation in your weather history, because he who researches without God will never find a valid explanation, he who ignores the omnipotence of God will always only come up with new theories, all of which will not find any validity in the long run.
Only God is almighty. HE lets the floods flow and the winds storm, HIM obeys the fire and the earth. HE turns on. HE turns off. And everything, so that His "lost" children find the way back to HIM.
Those of you who believe know about the omnipotence of Our Father, God the Most High. Those who do not believe are desperately seeking explanations, taking precautions and living in a constant fear of what might happen to them in life.
Wake up and come to God the Father! Live according to His laws and keep His Heavenly Helpers! For this you must give your YES to Jesus, My Holy Son, because HE is the way to the Kingdom of Heaven. He is the bridge that connects you with God the Father and Heaven. Without HIM, without HIS guidance, you will always "fall on your face" and overcome obstacles with difficulty, pass exams with difficulty or not at all.
Give Jesus your hand, My beloved children, and follow HIM. A life with Jesus is the most beautiful thing a human soul can experience. So what are you waiting for? Believe and trust and give your YES to Him. Then, My so beloved children, your life will change for the better, fear and doubt will give way to love, peace and joy. You will have happy and fulfilled hearts - and nothing, NOTHING will be able to "throw you off track".
Jesus will take care of you. Surrender yourselves, your being, your lives, your families, everything you have, everything you are. Only in this way will you pave the way to the New Paradise, only in this way will you be able to claim the fruits and glories of God for yourselves and your loved ones.
So be it.
Your loving Mother in Heaven. Mother of all the children of God.
Source: ➥