Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Monday, June 3, 2013
If the world does not repent, many more disasters will come upon your earth!
- Message No. 161 -

My child. My dear child. Good morning. If the world does not repent, many more disasters will come upon your earth, and only those of you who are firm in faith will be spared.
My children, My dear children. If you do not start and go back to your roots, you will be uprooted, because too thin, too fragile, too sick are the roots of those who do not live with My Son and in trust in God. Let your roots grow again and do not cut yourselves off from eternal life by your unbelief, by your "wanting to do everything by yourselves", by your selfishness and by your failure to recognize the really true life, the life with God the Father under the guidance of His Holy Son, Jesus Christ, who was born for you more than 2000 years ago through Me, your Mother in Heaven, for the proclamation of the true Word of God, and then suffered the most terrible torments for you, all children of this earth, and finally gave His life for all of you on the Cross.
My children. Wake up! Whoever does not find his way to My Son will live through terrible times. Whoever does not give HIM his YES will not attain eternal life, a life after physical death* in the Lord's Kingdom of Heaven, for which you are being prepared here on your earth.
My children. Wake up! Evil will befall him who does not confess. The devil will seize his soul and drag it with him to perdition!
"My children so beloved by Me. Come to Me, all of you, to your Jesus, and I will take you to My wonderful Kingdom, created for each one of you out of pure love by My Father and yours, and the promise will be fulfilled for you."
My dear children. I, your Mother in Heaven, lead all of you who ask Me to do so, to My Son, so that none of you will be lost. And then, on the day of great joy, when Heaven finally merges with Earth, your souls will be saved and you will all enter the New World - the New Jerusalem, Paradise - and live there with all the glories that God the Father has in store for you under the reign of His Holy Son.
So be it.
Your loving Mother in Heaven. Mother of all the children of God.
And your loving Jesus. Savior of all the children of God.
"Come, My children, come.
Then you too can taste the glories of My Father and reap the long-awaited fruits of the Garden of Eden, life in the newly created paradise. Come, My children, come.
Thank you, My daughter so beloved by Me. Yours/Your Jesus."
* Note: This refers to those who die before the day of great joy, the Second Coming of Jesus.
Source: ➥