Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Saturday, June 1, 2013
Spread Our Word to all the ends of the earth, for with this Word We prepare you and all the children of this earth.
- Message No. 159 -

My child. My dear child. There you are. My daughter so beloved by Me. We, your Mother in Heaven, and I, your loving Jesus, want to say the following to you and all Our children today: The time has come for all God's children to make a decision because the battle for souls is coming to an end very soon. God the Father is trying to give you purification and reflection through all His loving gifts to you, My so precious children, but most of you do not understand.
You must listen to Us, to Our Word in these messages, for with Our Word We are preparing you and all the children of this earth. The end is near, and many children of God have yet to be reached and many to be delivered from the clutches of the devil.
Therefore, My beloved children, pray for your brothers and sisters and do not stop, because your prayer is precious. It is the strongest weapon We gave you against evil, and whoever uses it and prays in devotion will be heard, and many souls will be saved in this way.
Spread Our word to all ends of the world and defend Us. Too many lies, too much suffering, too much misery is being inflicted on you, and you must realize why this is so. Whoever lives with Us, whoever gives his YES to Me, will not perish. He will look at everything with the eyes of love and act accordingly: in love, in responsibility and in joy. For he lives with Us, with Mary, My Most Holy Mother, who is also your Mother, and he lives with Me, your Jesus, who am your brother and your Savior. No one who lives with Us can be evil, for that is not possible. Whoever walks the path with Us, whoever keeps the laws of Our Father, God Most High, will bring about good in your world. So come to Us, and do not continue to be blinded by all the appearance and deceit of the devil, for neither luxury, nor misery come from God.
HE who created everything in love, watch sadly how you believe the devil astray. He, who is true love, desires nothing more than the return of all His children.
The devil lies to you day after day. He doesn't miss a chance to sow doubts and sell you lies as the truth. Wake up at last, My children so beloved by Me, and change your lives! Live with Us! With My Mother and all those whom God the Father places at your side! Listen to Our saints and follow the advice of Our holy angels! Only in this way will you find your way back to the right path. Only in this way will you be able to escape from the devil who causes all your miseries and makes you miserable.
Give Me, your Holy Jesus, your YES and surrender yourselves completely to Me. Then, My so beloved brothers and sisters, the promise will be fulfilled for you and the glorious fruits of Paradise will be your harvest.
So be it.
Your loving Jesus and your loving Mother in Heaven.
Thank you, My child.
Amen, I tell you: I love each one of you with all My Divinity.
To each one of you I want to give My Divine love.
So come to Me, to your Jesus, and give Me your YES, because then I too can give you all the glories that My Father and yours has in store for each one of you.
So be it.
Your loving Jesus.
Thank you, My daughter so loved by Me.
Source: ➥