Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Saturday, May 25, 2013
Even if many of you do not realize, the time of the end is closer than you think.
- Message No. 151 -

My child. My dear child. Tell the world that I, your Mother in Heaven, love all Our children worldwide. Tell them that the time is pressing to repent, because on the day of great joy, when My Holy Son comes to earth, from heaven high with all the signs, then Our children must have already converted to HIM and bear the seal of Our Almighty Father, so that they will be spared from the evil one and he cannot drag them down with him into the lake of fire.
My children, the time is approaching. Even if many of you do not notice anything in your so amusing and consuming world, the time of the end is closer than you think. God the Father, who has fixed with date the Second Coming of My Son, will not watch much longer. Too bad are the offenses against His children, too heavy the sins that are committed and weigh like lead on your souls and your earth.
You must mend your ways, My so beloved children. ALL! You no longer know what charity means and find it difficult to love your neighbor with all his faults. Do not look at the faults. See only the good. And if you cannot see it, look at him with the eyes of God the Father, who loves all His children so much. Whoever looks at his neighbor with the loving eyes of God will treat him well and meet him in love and peace. God the Father can forgive everything, so you must also forgive everything.
Always look at your neighbor as God the Father looks at him, then you will meet him with this Divine love that forgives everything and brings about good. Do not look with your eyes, because your eyes do not see what God sees. Look at the soul of the other person and realize that he is just like you are, with the same feelings, the same desires, longings and the need for love. If you look at your neighbor in this way, it will become easier and easier for you to meet him in love.
Then there are no prejudices, because you only see the soul of the person, and every soul longs for and needs the same things: Love, joy, security. No matter how man behaves or what he does, it is always these three basic pillars that the soul needs to be healthy, where security here stands for peace.
So give your neighbor what he needs and meet him in love and peacefully. Then, My beloved children, you will get rid of quarrels and your everyday life will become friendly (again). Do it for your neighbor and do it for yourselves, because what you do to your neighbor, you do to yourselves.
Be good to each other, My children, and give each other joy. You will see that many invisible blockages will be loosened and you will (again) find each other more and more.
So be it.
Your loving Mother in Heaven. Mother of all God's children.
Thank you, My child.
Source: ➥