Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Tuesday, May 21, 2013
The time of the end is approaching, and much purification and help is still needed to free as many of God's children as possible from Satan's clutches.
- Message No. 147 -

My child. My dear child. I, your Mother in Heaven, want to tell you and all Our so beloved children today the following: Heaven, as you know it, with all Its saints and angels, will soon, very soon, come down to earth. That is, you will feel the presence of Our Holy Helpers even more intensely, because the time of the end is approaching, and much purification and help is still needed to free as many of God's children as possible from Satan's clutches.
The Holy Spirit, without "breaking off" everlastingly and fully enlightens the souls of those who are still very far from My Holy Son. He enlightens all the children of God, and great graces are given to you through His presence here on earth.
The saints and angels help thousands and millions of times to bring souls on the right path. They are among you - even if many of you cannot see them, cannot hear them - and guide you as you can.
Satan works much and efficiently with whispers. So do the holy angels of God. They talk to you and cheer up your minds, even though, unfortunately, many of you do not perceive this. There are too many who listen only to the whispers of the evil one. They also do this mostly unconsciously, but they are so used to it that it has become a matter of course for them.
Ask yourselves why you "blow up" out of the "blue". Why do you keep reacting to certain things with the same angry tone or, even worse, actions? All of this comes from Satan and his demons, who keeps upsetting you and making you dance like a puppet. "If he is like this, I am like this".
Make yourselves aware of this, My dear children! Start listening to the good words. Don't give evil a chance. Listen to the holy angels of God the Father! Visit your holy places and ask for the gift of discernment. Then, My dear children, you will turn away from the whispers of evil and follow good.
Do not allow evil and dark thoughts to enter into you. Listen to the angels of God. Even if it is not possible for you to do so with your ear, your hearing perceives the voices of the angels. They are small inspirations that are positive and good and that give you peace and understanding.
Say NO to Satan and welcome God the Father! You will live much happier than before, and a wonderful, intimate joy will then come over you.
So be it.
Your loving Mother in Heaven.
Source: ➥