Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Thursday, May 9, 2013
Thanksgiving and call of Jesus:
- Message No. 131 -

My beloved daughter. I rejoice because great is the number of those whom I have already been allowed to save thanks to your prayers, still greater will it be until the day of My Second Coming, which God, My Father and yours, has fixed with date. I do not know this date, only HE, the Creator of all being. Furthermore, all Our children have the possibility to find ME, their Savior, and with the help of all your prayers in My intentions, the number is increasing.
I am very happy and express My gratitude to all My faithful children. Without you, I could not carry out this mission. Without you, many of your confreres would be lost. Your loving hearts, your sacrifices, your assumptions, your suffering, make this mission so successful.
I thank you from the depths of My Most Sacred Heart and I greet you with My Precious Blood.
In a short time Our messages will be sent to all parts of this earth, and I thank the translators in advance for their work in devotion to Me and their fellow brothers and sisters.
I call upon you, those who speak languages, to help spread Our Word. Contact Mary, My chosen visionary, and offer your help if you wish to accept this task.
It is a lot of work that takes time. So think carefully if you can do it. Mary will ask Me about each one who offers her help and will only follow My instructions.
Thank you, My beloved children, for all your good deeds.
I love you very much.
Your Jesus.
Savior of all God's children.
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