Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Tuesday, May 7, 2013
When quarrels begin, call upon St. Michael the Archangel!
- Message No. 126 -

My child. My dear child. Be assured, all of you, that We will always be with Our faithful children, even though you may think you are alone. Not one of Our children who gives his allegiance to My Son will ever perish, nor need he fear, for We are all with him, with you, the children who trust in and in Jesus.
My children. Times today are not nice, for the devil has set out for his final move, the destruction of Christianity, which he wants to turn into the One World Religion, mixed and mingled with all other religions - but never united, for even more hatred through desolation in souls will and shall now arise, and especially Our faithful servants, Our dear children, who have given their YES to Jesus, will now be increasingly persecuted, harassed and attacked by Satan's demons.
Seek out your holy places. Go into the silence that Satan wants to take away from you and stay with My Son. HE, Jesus Christ, united with all Heaven, your saints, the Holy Angels and Me, your Mother in Heaven, will always take care of you.
Take refuge in HIM. Seek refuge in Us, and no evil will happen to your soul. Sacrifice all obstacles, all suffering, which you may have to bear more now, and give no importance to quarrels. The evil one pinches and tweaks where he can and uses every child of God to bring strife into the world between and among you, My so beloved children.
Pray and ask for protection. Saint Michael the Archangel is your strongest defender in the fight against that and the evil one. A small impulse prayer is often enough, and peace returns to you and around you.
Be good to each other and love your children. They are the targets of Satan, whom he uses to bring hatred and anger and disaster into your families. Be aware of this. Your children are little, defenseless souls whom he takes great pleasure in using against the harmony in your families. Protect them and pray with them, then Satan will not be able to use them.
When your children start quarreling, call upon St. Michael the Archangel. He will come and bring peace to all of you, for He is the one whom Satan fears the most.
Place Him as protection in front of your children and ask for protection for your homes, then the demons will not be able to enter.
Prayer #17: Prayer to St. Michael the Archangel for protection for family and home .
Holy Archangel Michael, protect me with Your shield of truth and protection.
Place Your shield of protection in front of all my family members and especially in front of my children so that Satan cannot use them.
Protect also my house/dwelling from mischief and trouble, and be Thou Our defender and protection from all that is not of God.
Pray this prayer and My protection will be granted to you.
So be it.
Your holy archangel Michael.
My child. Spread this message: Satan fears no one as he fears Saint Michael the Archangel. There is no stronger protector, for he, the greatest of all demons, fears Him.
Continue to be faithful to My Son. The end of this troubled time is near. God the Father has set the date. Hold on. We will help you.
Your loving Mother in heaven. Mother of all God's children.
Source: ➥