Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Friday, May 3, 2013
Dear mothers and fathers: love your children! Look forward to them! And make them the most important part of your lives!
- Message No. 124 -

My child. Sit down with Me. I, your Mother in Heaven, love you very much. Never listen to what others have to say and listen only to Us, Me and My Most Holy Son, for many lies have been spread, many more will be.
What you feel, My beloved child, My daughter
My child, My so beloved child. You are very important to Us, for your task is great. You already know that We place much in your heart and then the "Heavenly" explanation is given in the Word by Us, My Son and Me, your Holy Mother in Heaven.
Trust only in Us, in My Son, and do not listen to what others have to say. So be it.
We love you very much.
Your Holy Mother in Heaven and your ever-loving Jesus in unison with God the Father.
My child. My daughter. Always I will be with you. Always I will guide you. Be completely Mine and trust Me. Then nothing can happen to you.
Your ever loving Jesus. Savior of all God's children.
My child. God the Father created the world. He gave life to each one of you. He filled your hearts with love and trust, but the world, man, has turned away to such an extent that first the trust, then the love was largely lost.
A baby can only trust, because without its parents it is not viable. Especially the mother plays an important role. She is protection, love and security, as well as great joy for her child, because already in the womb the child feels the emotions that its mother feels.
Thus, the mother is first of all the most important caregiver for the child, and it is very important that she looks forward to her child.
Since the baby gets all the emotions while still in the womb, you now have an idea of how much a baby suffers who does not get this mother's love. A mother who does not look forward to her baby makes him sad and causes the baby discomfort. It feels alone, does not feel joy, and the baby becomes "sick" in terms of its emotional world.
You know this yourselves: Those who do not feel accepted by their fellow human beings are sad, often feel worth nothing, and are very susceptible to your present-day social disease: depression.
Now put yourselves in the place of such a small being that comes into this world absolutely defenseless: It must be able to trust in its mother and of course also in its father. It must be protected, loved, and it must experience joy.
How will a baby who does not experience all this ever learn to trust? How will it learn to love if it has never experienced love?
The most important persons at such a tender age are and always will be the parents and if it is not accepted there and given all these wonderful gifts, then it will "spoil" inside, wither like a flower that does not get enough water and sun.
Dear mothers and fathers: Love your children! Look forward to them! And make them the most important part of your life!
Whoever gives love to his child, will receive this love back in many ways. He who is always there for his child, where the child has complete trust in his parents, this child will also always be there for his parents,especially also later, when you, dear mothers and fathers, have grown old.
If you don't begin to "adjust" your life to your children, then your children will not "adjust" it to you later. Then you will be alone and sad, just as your children were before when they were small.
Bring love back into your families and be there for each other. ALL! If you start and be good to your children, there will be neither quarrels nor separate ways in your families.
So start taking responsibility and live with Jesus and God the Father. True love will be given to you and your children, and your family will be very happy.
So be it.
Your loving Mother in Heaven. Mother of all God's children.
Thank you, My child, My daughter. (Jesus is there all the time)
Source: ➥