Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Wednesday, May 1, 2013
Skillfully and almost unnoticed, they now set to work on the Holy Scriptures to pervert the Word of God there
- Message No. 122 -

Sit with Me, My child. The plans that Satan now wants to enforce through his long prepared and trained "groups of evil" are directed against the children of God who still have a little faith in God the Father and who trust "Heaven".
Skillfully and almost unnoticed, they now set about the Holy Scriptures to pervert there the Word of God and His Holy Son, so that the children of God are deprived of the basis for a life with God and His glories, and so that they and all of you are deprived of the true teachings of Heaven.
The changes are very small doses, otherwise it would be noticeable. Newly printed versions of the Holy Word will no longer be truthful. Your children will have God's truths presented to them in such a distorted way that they will no longer live a life according to God's precepts, for so many new interpretations will be explained to them that God the Father's Holy Commandments will stand as out of date, for so - like His Holy Church - His Word will also be adapted to the one-world church, which will lead all God's children into Satan's arms.
You, the children of God, will become unhappy, for you will no longer find fulfillment in the words of those whom Satan presents and dictates to you as church leaders. You will only find your way to God through your silent prayers, for inintimate togetherness God will have mercy on you, and the truth about these lies of your present time will be made manifest to you. But who among you is strong enough to walk this path alone?
That is why, dear children, it is so extremely important to turn to God the Father and My Holy Son now. You will hardly have a chance once Satan has pushed through his plans and will only present his lies worldwide.
Wake up! Turn back! And come to Jesus!
Here is a prayer that will help you:
Prayer No. 16: Prayer of protection
My Lord, My God, keep me from the lies of the evil one.
Guide me on my way to You.
Always give me the clarity I need to act according to Your will.
Enlighten me with Your Holy Spirit, and fill me with Your love. Amen.
Holy Archangel Michael, protect me with the shield of Your protection, and keep me from the snares of evil. Amen.
Holy Mary, Mother of God, place me under Your protection and cover me and my loved ones with Your Holy Mantle of Protection. Amen.
These prayers spoken help you to stay on the path to Us, to your Father, and to protect you from the snares of the evil one.
With deep love and attachment.
Your beloved Mother in Heaven. Mother of all God's children.
Source: ➥