Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Tuesday, April 23, 2013
Get ready for this wonderful journey to God the Father.
- Message No. 112 -

My child. My dear child. So beautiful is your world, yet you do not appreciate your legacy, this miraculous work of God, a gift to all His so beloved children.
Your earth was created by God the Father, the Most High, so that you could live joyfully and confidently in mutual love and peace. For each of His children He has created enough to eat, for all of you perfectly provided, but you wanted to take your life into your own hands and have distanced yourselves more and more from Him.
Now, My beloved children, it is time to return, to turn around and start the way home to God, your Father! So get up and get ready, because the Divine Way is the only one that leads you to the arms of your Father, Who awaits you with all His love and gives you eternal peace!
Come all with me, My beloved children, on this so wonderful journey that will make your hearts rejoice and fill your souls with all the love, bliss and joy that they (you) long for so much and where peace is your eternal companion! Evil will have no more power, because it will be defeated.
Behind the gates of the New Jerusalem, which My Son will rule, paradise alone reigns. God the Father has once again provided for all His children, and you will lack nothing. Your soul can now finally unfold into what it truly is: a delicate "vessel" created for the love that makes it grow, blossom and flourish and that cannot exist without love. Only love, true love, is its nourishment. Without love, it withers away.
This, My dear children, is why so many of you are miserable in today's world, which is so "undercooled." Besides the severe external circumstances to which the evil one with his groups exposes you, love is lacking in many hearts. If a heart is cold, it cannot give away love, because what it does not have, it cannot give away. This love, however, is precisely the life-giving element that your soul needs in order to be able to "blossom". Therefore, My beloved children, come to Us, to Jesus and God the Father, because from Us you are given this love which is so necessary for life. We "fill up" each one of you with this love and then you will also be able to give love to other children of God!
"Fill up" with Us, the whole Heaven, because We have everything ready for you, what you need to live! Whoever is filled with Divine Love himself, it is easy for him to pass it on to his fellow brothers.
See how wonderfully God the Father has created everything, laid out to the last detail. The bread of life is love, where love reigns, there is also peace, and there is sharing. So simple is the concept that God the Father has created. So systematically, however, it is unfortunately being destroyed by those who have "fallen for" Satan.
So get up and get ready for this wonderful journey to God the Father, for there and only there will you attain the life that God the Father has created for you from the beginning of days!
So be it.
Your beloved mother in heaven.
"Amen, I say this to you: Whoever may not make this journey, I will take him.
Whoever then still turns his back on Me will be lost.
But everyone who begins to believe in Me, I will take him along on this wonderful journey, and everyone who comes along will enter My New Kingdom.
So be it.
Your Jesus."
"My child. I, the Father of you all, rejoice greatly in these so numerous, positive advances of My so beloved children.
Longingly I await all My children. I keep My arms open for everyone who returns to Me.
I love you very much, and My desire is to be able to save all My children, so that not a single one is lost to the evil enemy who will torment it and make it suffer for all eternity.
Help to prevent this, and give Us, My Son and Me and all your saints and the loving angels your prayers, for with this you bring about the change, and many children find their way back to Us, to Me, your loving Father.
So be it.
Your God Father.
Creator of all children."
"My child. This mission is causing many miracle conversions. So numerous are they that the desire of My Son, your Jesus, seems to be coming true.
Continue to pray so full of devotion to My Son and in His intentions, so that these conversions may become even more numerous.
I thank you.
With sincere love.
Your Saint Joseph."
"My child. My daughter. I, your Holy Archangel Michael, rejoice in your prayers and will fight for all of you, for thus you will be saved and on the day of great joy you will pass through the gates of the New Jerusalem to live forever with your Creator. So be it.
Your Archangel Michael."
"Thank you, My child, My daughter." (God the Father, Jesus, Our Lady, Joseph and Archangel Michael smile.)
Source: ➥