Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Saturday, April 20, 2013
Call Us as soon as you feel that something is not right.
- Message No. 106 -

My child. My dear child. You are there. It is beautiful to see that more and more children of God are finding their way to Us, your Jesus, God the Father and Me, your Mother in Heaven, for so will be the number of those who will enter the New Jerusalem, the Paradise that God the Father, the Most High, has created for all His children in such deep love for you.
My children. The love that God the Father feels for you is such a wonderful love that it cannot be described in words. The one who has once felt it, experienced it, will always want to keep it for himself. As soon as you feel this love even approximately, you will never again fall prey to the adversary, for this love is all that every soul desires.
Nevertheless, you must always be careful and on guard, because the closer you come to Us, the more Satan will pursue you with his demons, i.e. he will do everything he can to lead you away from this so wonderful path to God the Father.
Of course, if you always remain in love, he will not succeed, but it is difficult for Our children to remain in it in such situations. Therefore, always call Us as soon as you feel that something is not right. God the Father sends His Holy Angels to protect you and embrace you with love! Jesus is there to be by your side, so pray to Us so that you will immediately come back into love. We have already sent you a beautiful prayer for this. It is number 14. We call you again to pray this prayer, preferably daily, because it keeps love among you and in your hearts.
My children. The Holy Archangel Michael is the leader of God's army and therefore the strongest defender against that and the evil one. Call upon Him when you are persecuted and ask Him for His protection. He will keep you from harm, from injustice and confusion. He is the strongest angel to defend against evil and protects all God's children who turn to Him.
Here is a powerful prayer you can address to Him:
Prayer #15: Prayer to the Archangel Michael for protection and from confusion.
Holy Archangel Michael, You, the leader of all hosts.
Protect me also from the snares of the evil enemy and keep me from his attacks.
Give me clarity and protection from confusion, and guide me on the way to God.
Don't let me get lost, and if it does happen to me, bring me back to the divine path.
I thank you. Amen.
Whoever says this prayer will not be lost, especially in moments of distress and doubt, the one who prays it will be shown the right way.
My children. Thank you for coming to Us in such numbers! Our joy is great that so many of you have already converted!
I love you very much! In prayer we are strong!
Your beloved Mother in Heaven. Mother of all God's children.
"My child. My daughter, I, your Holy Archangel Michael, rejoice in this prayer."
"So much good these messages do that there is great joy in Heaven!
Dear Seer Children, My thanks to you and to all readers, for it is through you that so many hearts can be touched.
My thanks to all who follow Us.
Your God the Father.
Creator of all children."
"Satan will be defeated, be aware of that. I love you guys. Here's to soon.
Your Jesus."
"My child, keep writing for Us. We love you very much. Your Mother in Heaven."
Source: ➥