Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Friday, April 5, 2013
Many of you poor souls do not believe in hell. That is a big mistake
- Message No. 87 -

My child. You have come. Sit with Me and write. My child. My dear child. I, your Mother in Heaven, am here to tell you that My Son, Jesus Christ, will save many more souls before HE comes to you the second time. HE will come, high in the sky - with all the signs - and take all His beloved children, who are devoted to HIM, to His New Kingdom, His Paradise, created for all God's children, where all of you will enter your so long awaited inheritance, provided you follow My Son, your Jesus.
No one who is unfaithful to God the Father will know this oh so beautiful paradise! Always keep this in mind, My beloved children. Pray a lot, especially in the intentions of My Son, because in this way millions of souls can still be saved. Your number of My Son's followers is great, very great, similarly I told you this last Good Friday, and Our hearts are filled with joy over it, but, My beloved children, know that it is far from the number that My Son wishes to take. Therefore, My so beloved children, pray the prayers that We have given you through Our visionary children worldwide. In this way, My Son's desire can be fulfilled and many more souls can be saved before the great day of joy when My Son will come to you from heaven above.
My children, always believe that My Son loves you. He loves each one of you and He does not want to lose anyone, but whoever does not profess Himself will remain excluded from entering Paradise, the New Jerusalem, and will perish sorrowfully.
My children. My beloved children. Many of you poor souls do not believe in hell. This is a great mistake, because you mistakenly assume that life somehow ends after your death. Since you do not believe in hell, you expose yourselves all the more to the danger of heading into it! You refuse to believe in the teachings of My Son. You do not believe anything of what really exists and you negate that the real life begins only after your physical death. Of course, most of you still feel that somehow you cannot be extinguished, because no one can imagine being "extinguished". Even those of you who say such things do not really believe it, because God the Father has endowed you with this sensation. You cannot imagine a definite end as a living being; those who think they can are lying to themselves. Listen and look deeply into yourselves, into your heart, into your soul, and you will find that it, the soul, never passes away. Therefore, My beloved children, start believing in God the Father and Jesus again, because otherwise the devil will steal you and you will have a really bad time.
My children, no man is responsible for his destiny alone. No one can be self-sufficient, that is, you all belong to a greater whole, and none of you can change that. Your free will has been given to you in order to be able to make decisions freely, but not in order to cut yourselves off from your creator, because this cannot be. Only through HIM you are able to live, only through HIM you are here at all, because without HIM nothing would exist, without HIM not a single one of you would be. You can negate this as often, as long, as persistent as you want, but sometime you also have to decide. For this, millions of God-believing human children pray for you, that you, when your hour has come, give your YES to Jesus, because they, these loving, selfless human children, want to save you all from an eternity in hell.
My children. Start believing, all of you. My Son wants you to find Him, so that you may all experience the peace and love that He has in store for you. Run to Him! Convert before it is too late! Soon, very soon, mercy will give way to justice, and then judgment will descend upon you. Do not squander your chance, which you are now given by My Son and God the Father! Accept the mercy that My Son wants to offer you, so that you can go happily with Him into a new life. Do not wait until the judgment comes upon you, for then it may be too late for many of you.
I love you with all my heart, My beloved children.
United in eternal love. Your Mother in Heaven.
Source: ➥