Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Wednesday, March 27, 2013
Ask Us for help so that you can love even your enemies.
- Message No. 75 -

My child. My dear child. Please write. I, your Joseph, want to speak with you. Write, My child. Write for Me. In this way, many children of men can hear My words.
My child. The devil marches around in your world as if it already belonged to him. Of course, this is not the case and never will be. My Son, entrusted to me by God, will come to save you, and that time is near. All that you experience in your daily lives....
My child, you can't hear Joseph anymore. I, your Mother in Heaven, am here to tell you that all the everyday things, your everyday things, will soon become very unimportant. Enjoy the time you have left and be good to each other. When My Son comes, so many things will change beautifully - starting with your souls, which will be free, filled with deep happiness and joy. Your hearts will rejoice and you will know true love. A love that only God can give you, a love that permeates and heals everyone and everything.
My children. Rejoice, for My Son has all this in store for you. He, who is the true Son of God, divine like His Father, born as a man so that you can be redeemed, has this love ready for all of you. In order for you to be able to receive and accept it, deep purification is needed. Therefore, My Son gives you this present time in preparation for the great day of His Second Coming.
My children. Prepare yourselves so that Jesus can take you and not lose you to His enemy, the evil one. Do not fall for his clever and cunning lies, but always remain in prayer with My Son. Do not quarrel and keep tranquility in your hearts. Be silent when you have nothing good to say and speak when it comes from the heart. Love one another as Jesus loves you, even if it is very difficult for you. Ask Us for help so that you can love even your enemies. You will see that the hardenings in your hearts give way to softness and love, at first hardly noticeable, then slowly, and then more and more. Jesus teaches you in silence. He touches your heart, and so you become able to feel emotions that you thought were impossible before. Like loving your neighbor, no matter who that is.
My children, you only have to open yourselves to My Son, everything else He does. But He needs your YES for this, your prayers, your petitions, your hope and above all your trust. Grow with Him, My beloved children, and become happy! My Son Jesus is the only way to happiness. With Him you are safe and protected. With Him you may be as you are, let yourself fall and simply be. He will bestow many graces upon you, and at last you will find fulfillment, live in peace, have access to love, and feel an unspeakable joy.
My children. Set out on the way! On the way to Jesus! I, your Mother in Heaven, will be there to help you if you want it. I will lead each one of you to Him. Please ask me, and My joy will be great.
My beloved children. I love you very much! Look forward to the day of the Second Coming of My Son Jesus, for it will be a day of joy! Until then, hold on! You know now. So prepare yourselves and remain in prayer, your strongest weapon against the enemy.
I love you. Thank you, My children, for being faithful to Us, My Son, God the Father and Me.
Your Mother in Heaven.
Source: ➥