Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Friday, March 15, 2013
Defend the True Word of God
- Message No. 63 -

My child. My dear child. I, your Mother in Heaven, love you and your loved ones very much. Never be afraid, for you are protected. Tell ..... that We thank Him for His wonderful work. We look forward to his return, and if he wishes, another work together.
My child. Do not despair. Everything is for your good. Even hard trials (as you may feel them at this moment) serve to strengthen your trust in My Son, Jesus Christ. The more you trust Him, the more "attack"-resistant you become, i.e. no matter what happens, you can accept it with love, devotion and even joy.
My children. My beloved children. Never lose courage to proclaim Our Word, for it is Our Word that We give you that will save millions of souls. Believe in Us. Stay strong. Defend the True Word of God and My Son at all times.
We are always with you and protect you. Live, My children, live!
We love you with all our heart.
Your beloved Mother in Heaven in union with My beloved Son. Amen.
Source: ➥