Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Monday, March 11, 2013
How much does it wound My heart...?
- Message No. 55 -

Write, My daughter, I am with you, your loving Jesus.
My beloved daughter. How much it wounds My Heart to see how confused My beloved children are, even now. What are you afraid of? Why do many of you still need human recognition? You, My daughter, are chosen for this mission. People must understand this. Whoever does not profess Me, whoever does not open himself to Me, cannot participate in the collaboration of this mission, it is too important to be disturbed or even prevented by self-centered outbursts. If you feel that it is not done out of love, then separate.
My daughter, My tender little daughter. You are too open to such "attacks" and they hurt you. I see your soul suffering and feel your pain. I can only work in people who give Me their YES (repeating themselves), only then do I have influence. If the YES to Me is not renewed, you must separate from these people, because by their behavior they prevent the loving flow with which this Mission is blessed.
My daughter, My dear child. I leave the decision to you. If you feel there must be a change, go through with it. Ask Me and I will help you. Remain completely in trust with Me. I love you. Do not be afraid. This mission will continue and We pray for ....... and his family.
Thank you, My tender daughter. Your ever loving Jesus.
My child. My dear child. Do not despair when difficulties come. Everything is for testing. Trust. Trust especially in My Son. He will judge (settle) everything. The times are dark and the attacks on Our beloved children are increasing. Do not be afraid. God's watchful hand is upon you and grants you extraordinary protection.
Do not despair, My beloved child. I, your Mother in Heaven, will always be with you.
I love you. Good night.
Source: ➥