Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Friday, March 8, 2013
Do not fall for Satan's lies.
- Message No. 52 -

My child. My dear child. The devil will not let go of you and will tempt all Our beloved children. You must remain strong and always be aware of this. If you have sinned, take it to confession.
Repent of your sinful deeds and behavior.
Remain faithful to My Son. Do not fall for the lies of Satan, who now wants to usurp the regency of the earth. You know, for so We have told you again and again, that this evil time will not end in Satan's victory, but in his banishment.
Believe firmly in this, because My Son Jesus, will free you from Satan's clutches and push him and his Antichrist into the lake of fire. All their followers who have not confessed Him, My Son, in time will perish with them.
My children, be warned. You are living in the end times and only repentance, accepting My Son for who He is, can free you from Satan's reign. My beloved children. I would like to draw your attention at this point to the seal of Our Lord. It is the seal of protection for these end times and grants you great protection. Please pray it daily. It is the seal of the living God.
Thank you, My children. I love you, your Mother in Heaven.
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