Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany


Tuesday, March 5, 2013

It is about the end of your existing world.

- Message No. 48 -


My child. My dear child. Come, My child, sit with Me. I love you. My dear child. Never forget that Heaven loves you. By Heaven We mean all those who are well disposed towards you, and you know in part who they are.

My child. The times will become tempting. Now, when money plays the more and more important role, it is easy for Our beloved children to fall into the trap of the devil. Whoever gives Us his YES again and again and asks Us to guide him on all his earthly ways, this will NOT happen to him. This is what We, I, your Mother in Heaven and Jesus, who loves you so much, promise to you, Our beloved children, faithful servants and followers. So do not be afraid and remain in prayer. This can be a brief word to Us, a pleading thought "Jesus, help", visiting a place of worship, a holy place and of course prayer as you/we have been taught.

My children. No matter how dark and terrible the times may become, YOU CARRY THE LIGHT OF GOD WITHIN YOU! Be aware of this, My so beloved followers. It is you who make the earth worth living. It is you who spread the light and love of God on earth. It is you who, through faith in Us, help many souls to find Us as well. This is a responsible task that all of you have accepted and taken on for Us. Be sure that together with My Son, Jesus Christ, you will eradicate evil on earth. You do this with prayer. And be sure that you have many intercessors, because every soul that you bring on the way will be eternally grateful to you. And what a glorious merit this is! The gratitude of Heaven is already assured to you, and more and more graces We will give you. My beloved children. So great is this mission and so important is it, for it is about the end of your existing world. It will be, as We told you in a previous message, only

'Good' or 'Evil', i.e. people, all people, each individual, MUST then decide. Who does not do this, falls to the dark power, and by 'his not wanting to decide' he decides for the damnation.

God the Father: Wake up, My beloved daughters and sons. The only way to Me, your Heavenly Father, is through My Son, Jesus Christ. His Holy Mother, the Virgin Mary, appears here on your earth to lead you to Him, Jesus, My Son. Accept the help I am sending you now, in these end times, because when the time of decision is over, you who have not professed My Son will suffer. Turn back, My beloved daughters and sons, and come back to Me, your Father who loves you, your Creator, God Most High.

Mother of God: My child. My dear child. Spread this message. It is, like all, very important. Soon We will speak to you again.

We love you. Your Mother in Heaven with Jesus and God the Father.

Source: ➥