Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Saturday, March 2, 2013
Those who do not convert are at a closed door.
- Message No. 46 -

My child. My dear child. Listen to Me and write, My beloved daughter. I, your Jesus, love every soul, but to be able to do something for you, I need your YES. This is a YES that must be renewed constantly and daily. Whoever gives his YES to Me, his Jesus, will be saved.
Mother of God: My dear children. The time is pressing. Get ready for a New World. A world permeated with love and peace, joy and glory. A world that you have not yet been able to know.
My children. My beloved children. The time of the second coming of My Son, Jesus Christ, is approaching and everyone who wants to save himself and his loved ones from darkness, despair, agony and torment, to name but a few, prepare himself, his soul for the encounter with My Son. How you must do this is written in many of Our messages. Purification is the only way, which includes conversion and penance, repentance and all that We have taught you. Do not waste any more time. Come to My Son. Give Him your YES, so together with Him you will enter this New World, where He, My Son, will be Regent.
My children. My so beloved children. We do not want to lose any of you, but unfortunately the Adversary is doing everything to "hash" you. If you fall into his traps, only My Son can help you. Go to Him. Come to Him. Call Him and give Him your YES. Then We can protect all Our children and take them to this wonderful New World.
God the Father: Turn back, My dear daughters and sons, for only through My Son Jesus Christ will you attain Eternal Life, only through Him, gain entrance into the gate to Paradise, and only through Him will you find your way to Me, your Father.
Jesus: What are you waiting for, My beloved children. I have a place ready for everyone who loves Me. And everyone I will take with Me on the day of great joy, when Satan will be defeated and condemned. So come to Me, My children, before it is too late, because whoever opens the door to Satan will be pushed with him into hell and then there will be no turning back. What awaits the soul there, We have told you in numerous messages. Do not be stupid. Do not renounce your inheritance and do not condemn yourselves. Because in the end, that is what you are doing if you do not profess Me.
My children. Believe Me when I say that I love each one of you, for My heart is great and My love overflows. For you I died on the cross, and for you I come again to take you to My Kingdom. Everyone is welcome there, but he/she must be pure of heart, that is, stand by Me, His Jesus. Whoever does not convert, stands in front of a closed door.
I love you. Each one is precious to Me, and I rejoice to enter My Father's Kingdom united with you. Your loving Jesus.
Thank you, My child, for writing for Us.
We love you. Your Mother in Heaven and God the Father.
Source: ➥