Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany


Thursday, February 28, 2013

Time is short; you are still free to decide.

- Message No. 44 -


My child. Write My child. I love you. I know how tired you are, and I thank you for being ready for Me and answering My call. My child. My dear child. Our beloved Pope Benedict the XVI is now going into his well-deserved retirement in a few minutes, without really ever stopping to rest, because he will continue to serve you, My beloved children, in prayer and meditation, as he has already proclaimed himself several times.

My child, even though the promised times are now approaching, you who are devoted to My Son need never fear. You are Our beloved children, and protectively We hold Our hand over everyone who serves Us. Most people do not understand the meaning of this protection. To understand this, you must separate from the material world, go beyond it, and see Us and the afterlife, also called eternal life. You must really step beyond yourselves and your existing world, to where We are at home. Few of you understand this and even fewer of you can detach yourselves from this world. Our protection extends beyond the material world as you know it. When We tell you that We protect you, it means that We grant you Eternal Life. You are spared from falling into hell, and you are also granted many other privileges to protect you from Satan's demons.

Many of you think We are bestowing earthly riches upon you, protecting you from everything that is or could be unpleasant. You must learn to understand the mysteries of God. Whoever does this, whoever builds a spiritual life, will come to know the true value of life and understand these mysteries more and more.

My children. My dear children. The time is pressing for you to repent. Take a step towards My Son, Jesus, and give Him your YES. Ask Him to help you in this and you will feel His help. For this, you must open yourselves to Him and invite Him to have a part in your life, to be a part of your life.

Dear children, the call of heaven will soon go out. You must decide before it is too late for you. You are still free to decide. Soon you will be so confused that many of you will not know what and where to decide. Wake up! And come to Jesus, My Son. We, Heaven, want to embrace you all and lead you home like the lost children. A home full of love, filled with peace and great joy.

My children. Come now so that the Adversary cannot do you any harm. All Heaven and I love you. We look forward to your YES and await you with open arms.

Your ever-loving Mother in Heaven (with all Heavenly Helpers).

My child. Spread this message. Time is short.

Your Mother in Heaven. Thank you, My child.

Source: ➥