Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Tuesday, February 26, 2013
You will be witnesses of the New Paradise.
- Message No. 42 -

My child. The time here on your earth is about to run out. All the evil plans that the Adversary has in store for you will soon come to an end. My Son, Jesus Christ, will come down to you, and with the intervention of the divine hand of His Father, God Almighty, Satan and his dark army will perish. They will not and can never again claim the right to live among you, My dear, faithful children. Soon the time will come. Soon My Son and God , Our (all) Father, will snatch the root from the evil.
My children, you must be strong, for much suffering will nevertheless come upon your earth. God the Father will not stand idly by as the Adversary "pushes" his Antichrist and he destroys God's children. Therefore, your earth will still experience much purification. Earthquakes, floods, storms, violent thunderstorms and lightning will hit your earth. Do not be afraid, My beloved children. All this must happen to awaken as many souls as possible.
My children. My beloved children. Always remain in God's trust. God the Father protects all His children. Put yourselves, your lives in His hands and nothing can happen to you. No matter what is, what you feel, what you experience or go through, offer it up to God the Father. Only He takes sorrow, only He takes grief, and He suffers with you through His Son, Jesus Christ, your Savior, and grieves with you. And He gives you joy, an immense, profound and fulfilling joy, and when you ask for the Holy Spirit, enlightenment is given to you.
My dear children. All this is a wonderful process that will change your innermost being and will also let you know the hidden secrets of the connection with God! Come to Him, My beloved children, trust in Him, and He will guide you through the end of these partly terrible end times. Do not be afraid, My little and big children. We love you with all Our Being and are glad that you find the way to Us. I, your Mother in Heaven, take you to Jesus, My Son, and if you want it, I hand you over to Him. He, Jesus, your Savior, leads you to God the Father. And in between, We are all with you and accompany you through this time of the fall of your existing world.
My children. Rejoice! For you will be witnesses of the New Paradise. But you must profess your faith in My Son, for only He is authorized to lead you there. Believe in Him, trust in Him. Then you will always be protected, and He will take care of you. Surrender yourselves completely to Him, with all that you are, with all that you have, and He will, through the providence of God, give you a life of abundance and joy. But never confuse abundance with the accumulation of earthly goods. Trust and you will be given everything and more that you need to live, both spiritually and materially.
My children, get involved in this "joy". It is a life that you cannot dream more beautiful.
I love you.
Your Mother in Heaven.
Thank you, My child, for writing for Me and answering My call.
I love you. Your Mother in Heaven.
Source: ➥