Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Friday, February 22, 2013
You are living in the end times.
- Message No. 39 -

My child. My dear child. You and many of you cannot form a picture of what is really happening in your world today. Your imagination is not sufficient for it. Those who are pure of heart do not know what an "evil heart", a soul contaminated by Satan, is capable of. It is beyond your understanding, and that is fine.
Pray, My dear children. Followers of the satanic cult have crept into the Vatican. Again and again the devil tried to intrigue right there, in the "Most Holy Place". So far he has not succeeded. With the resignation of Our beloved and true Son, Pope Benedict, this chair becomes vacant, and Satan has already chosen an "occupant" for this Holy See. It is an evil man, thoroughly contaminated by Satan's worship and lust for power. Together with the Antichrist, he will then begin to dominate and want to control your world. Be sure that he will succeed only up to a certain point.
How is it possible that an antichrist pope will occupy the Holy See, you ask. My child.
My children. Yesterday I already told you that the Vatican is infested. By scum I mean precisely these Satan worshippers, and there are many of them who are infiltrated in the Vatican and have reached and occupy the highest positions/offices, so precisely these "false" Christians, or rather "false" dignitaries are making it possible that one of their kind will take a seat in the Holy See. So now, before the plan of the adversary can be brought to an end, My Son, Jesus Christ, will come to you from heaven.
My children. My beloved children. You are living in the end times. You must be aware of that. That is why We come to so many of you and warn you. We are preparing you for what is to come. My children. My dear children. Your world, as it is today, will perish. Wake up, My dear children. Jesus will come to save you. But only those who confess Him will be saved. All those who do not will fall into eternal damnation, that is, they will be tormented by the devil forever. Is this what you want, My beloved children. To lose your eternal life in paradise for a little money and power? Wake up. Open your eyes and ears and listen to your heart! What you are doing to yourselves here on earth is nothing compared to what the devil will do to you once you are lost to My Son.
My beloved children. Do not do this to yourselves. Say NO to evil and come to Jesus. Each one of you will be welcomed, and each one of you will be allowed to rest and be taken into the arms of My Son. It really does not matter if you have sinned and how much you have sinned. This is what We tell you again and again. Repent, confess and do penance. You are loved! Loved by Jesus and God the Father! We help you to get on the right path as soon as you give Us your YES. A YES that you must repeat every day, because the "attacks" of Satan on all the children of men will now become stronger and stronger. His army is ready to steal as many souls as possible, not for you, but for the fulfillment of his evil intentions, in which you are only victims. Unfortunately, many of you will understand it only when you are about to be thrown into Satan's hell. Then it will be too late. You will see hell only when you have decided against My Son, on the day of the final decision. That can be your physical death, that is, the death of your body here on earth. But it can also be the end of your time on earth as you know it now. It is important that you decide for Jesus. The sooner you do that, the easier and less painful it will be for you. Whoever is faithful to My Son will reap the fruits promised by God. Whoever decides for the evil power will perish, - and pay attention, My beloved children, if you say: God does not exist, then you automatically decide for Satan. This must be clear to you, My beloved children. Even if you are good and loving people, the hour will come when you will have to decide.
My beloved children. This is a vast subject. Know that the sooner you decide for Jesus, the sooner you will be truly happy and fulfilled.
With this I would like to take leave of you for today. Let this message work on you, My beloved children. Go in peace.
I love you. Your Mother in Heaven.
Source: ➥