Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Tuesday, February 19, 2013
My life among you is soon accomplished.
- Message No. 36 -

My daughter. Sit down with Me. I am. Your Jesus. I love you, My little daughter. Your work is very important. Many souls will be saved.
My daughter. My life among you is soon accomplished, that is, what it should accomplish. Unfortunately, not everyone has heard Me. Many still do not believe in Me, but I, Jesus Christ, will give them another chance. When I descend from heaven, millions and millions will see Me. They will know that it is I, Jesus, the Only Begotten Son of God, who call them to come to Him, and millions and millions of souls will choose Me. This is My consolation in these difficult times when the power of the Antichrist seems to be increasing.
So many of My children suffer under him, so many of My children follow him, so many of My children are blind to him and "idolize" him. Soon this will be seen in public. Already he rules your virtual world, is ruler of the Internet, telecommunications and of course entangled in your monetary system, instigator of the greatest evil that has befallen your world. But without numerous "helpers" he could not become great either.
Decide for Me, My beloved children, and do not be afraid. I will always hold My hand over you, so that you will not be "infected" by the evil of sin, which the adversary sells to you, the world, as normality and good. Be certain that the days of evil are numbered and that the redemption of all God's children who accept Me as the One I Am is imminent. Together we are strong, and together we fight evil. Forgiveness and prayer become more and more important for you in these days. Through forgiveness you heal your soul. Those who forgive have no more obstacles. Look where reconciliation is still lacking in you, where it is still open. But do not excuse your sins with it. Forgive where forgiveness has not yet happened and keep away from sin. Sin can only be forgiven by God Himself. So carry it into confession, and through the Father you will be absolved of it. But of course in connection with repentance and penance, My beloved children. For this you have already received detailed instructions in one of Our first public messages on this page.
Prayer, My beloved children, is the best weapon and the best defense. With this you "beat" the evil one, and he loses more and more power. At the end of all days, I, Jesus, will then decide the final battle. Satan will be damned and My followers will enter My Kingdom of Heaven together with Me. Heaven will come down to earth. You will understand this sentence when the day of days has come.
My dear followers. Stay strong. Multiply and pray. All of Heaven is with you.
We are not leaving any of Our so beloved children. Give Us your YES and you will be saved.
Your loving Jesus.
Thank you, My daughter, for coming to Me. I love you.
Source: ➥