Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Monday, February 11, 2013
Your punishment will be just.
- Message No. 31 -

Thank you for writing so beautifully. Answering my call is good for you and your soul. I am glad that you have accepted this task. You are helping many of God's children to get on the path, and that is very important in your time today. Those who do not go the way of God will perish. What is happening in your world today is just sad and absolutely horrible.
For all His children, God, Our Father, has willed joy. He created the world so that there would be enough for all His children to live. But what have you done and are you still doing? Like vultures, you pounce on everything that brings money. You poor little lights. You do not know how much your soul suffers. When you realize what you are doing not only to others but also to yourselves, you would fall on your knees in humility and beg forgiveness from God the Father and all those who have suffered at your hands.
Your punishment will be just, on the Day of Decision, and We pray that you decide for Jesus, otherwise you will suffer eternal torment. Do not be stupid, My children, and come to Us. We want to help you and put you on the right path. Whoever entrusts himself to Us will not be lost. Whoever entrusts himself to Us now will be able to rely on the mercy of My Son. Whoever does not decide for Us will experience eternal suffering, and there will be no turning back for him. Do not do this to your soul. Convert and become truly happy. Find peace in your hearts and do good for ALL God's children.
We love you and pray for you. With open arms We await you, your YES to Us.
In deep love and attachment, your loving Mother Mary in agreement with Jesus, your loving Savior.
Prayer No. 6 - Prayer for guidance, intercession and strength
Come Lord Jesus, show me the way. Help me to do good deeds. Lead me to God the Father and help me to live in a way that pleases HIM. Mary, Mother of all children, intercede for me at the throne of God, so that I may become worthy to enter the promised Kingdom of Heaven. Give me the strength to change my life now so that I may become what YOU want me to be. Amen.
My child, this is a prayer that gives Us joy, because with it We can lead the one who prays it on the true path to God the Father. His life will change positively, and spoken with a pure heart, that soul will not be lost. This is what We promise.
Jesus and Mary Thank you for responding to My call. I love you.
Source: ➥