Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Saturday, February 9, 2013
The rules of God are very simple.
- Message No. 29 -

My child. My dear child. Greetings. I love you. You are here on earth to serve God the Father, the Most High, to love and honor Him.
God the Father is the Father of all children. He created you. If you put your lives at His service, you will be fine. On your earth, there is too much effort to do everything by your own strength, but it is much easier with the grace of God. God will fulfill your every desire that is in accordance with His plan. The rules are very simple: everything that contributes to your well-being and to the well-being of all His children can be fulfilled, what harms, not. Your wishes, on the other hand, are mostly exclusively egoistic, i.e. oriented only to your private well-being. This is not good. You should also think of your fellow brothers. Especially those who are in need. This can even be the neighbor next door. You often don't know who needs help, and besides that, you don't really think about giving it (the help).
You are so self-centered that you completely ignore what is essential. Love one another, and care for one another. Where there is love, there is also help, where there is help, need and suffering can be alleviated. Joy and gratitude set in, and many loving hearts come out of it. This is how you should treat each other. Go towards each other. Respect each other, and give each other joy. If you have more than your neighbor, share with him. This is what children do at school. If a child forgets his lunch, he gets something to eat from his classmates.
My dear children. The commandments of God are the true way to a beautiful world. If you all kept them (the commandments), you would be the happiest people. There would be no wars, no quarrels, no hunger, no violence, no fear and no cruelty, it would be simply beautiful with you.
Find the way to God the Father and My Son. Your life will change positively. I will help you if you ask Me. WE DO NOT WANT TO IMPOSE OURSELVES ON ANYONE. LOOK INTO YOUR HEARTS AND DECIDE FOR YOURSELVES. Whoever really listens to his heart will follow Our call.
Be blessed, My children.
I love you.
Your Mother in Heaven.
Source: ➥