Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Tuesday, February 5, 2013
Decide for Me now.
- Message No. 24 -

My child, My beloved daughter, I am Jesus Crucified. Much suffering is done to Me even today. Suffering that My beloved children inflict on Me. I suffer so that you, My beloved children, may find your way to Me, for if I did not do so, My Father would have long since put an end to this world. Therefore, I suffer so that when you convert to Me and repent of all your sins, both conscious and unconscious, you may all enter My Kingdom.
My mercy is infinite, and I love each and every sinner very much, but, My children, the time is approaching when mercy will give way to justice. Convert in time, My beloved children, so that you too, like many other souls before you, may experience the hour of mercy. Decide now for Me, your Jesus who died for you on the cross, and come into My arms. I love you, your Jesus.
My blood is shed for you. My blood I give for you. Purify yourselves with My blood, for so precious is it that it will save you all.
Your loving Jesus.
Prayer: No.2 - Prayer for Salvation
Jesus, cleanse me with Your precious blood, so that, pure from sins, I may become worthy to enter Your Kingdom of Heaven. Amen Thank you, My beloved daughter, for responding to My call.
Now My Mother, the Mother of all children, wants to speak to you.
Go in peace, My beloved daughter.
Source: ➥