Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Monday, January 28, 2013
This is one of the devil's greatest traps.
- Message No. 22 -

My beloved daughter. I am here, your Jesus. I have come to show you how much I suffer. My face has shadows because I am sad. Many children do not convert. They seek only their personal pleasure. Then they become dissatisfied and evil or suffer. Those who become evil suffer greatly from their discontent, but they cannot or will not see it. Many become addicted to drugs in suffering, and then the devil has an easy time with them. Many perish miserably, sad, sick and totally depraved. Their bodies are broken from too many outrages, which they have inflicted on themselves. One thing leads to another, and the vicious circle gets tighter and tighter. The soul slowly dies without ever dying. It is a miserable condition caused by the desire for one's own pleasure. Be on your guard, My beloved children.
This is one of the devil's greatest traps. Quickly you say, this will not happen to me, as many others did before you and now suffer the worst torments. Put your pleasure aside, My children, and find peace in your hearts, because only peace brings you to Me, out of it you can love infinitely.
My guardian angel: "Without love, what would the world be but a cold place that would freeze you? Wake up, My children, and run towards Jesus, your friend, who awaits you with open arms."
My beloved daughter. That was a "trip to the Reeperbahn" that your guardian angel showed you. Unfortunately, this condition exists everywhere in your world.
I love you, My beloved daughter. Stay faithful to Us. We will come again soon.
Your loving Jesus and your guardian angel.
Source: ➥