Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Thursday, January 24, 2013
The more saints pray for you, the greater graces will be granted to you.
- Message No. 19 -

My child. Listen to Me. I am. Your Mother in heaven. I love you, My child. I love you very much, My daughter. Be sure that We are always with you, and live full of joy and gladness. Soon all suffering will come to an end, and you, My children of God, all children of God, who trust in Us and serve Us, will be full of bliss and goodwill forever. You will be redeemed by My Son, Jesus Christ, and your time with Him will be infinite.
My daughter, My beloved daughter. I love you very much, and I rejoice that you keep coming to Me, to Us. Be sure that now St. Bonaventure also prays for you. Also for yours, who are very dear to you. Be assured, My child, that the saints do good for you and for all of you. Through their suffering on earth, they were able to perfect themselves. In doing so, they helped themselves and also many other people. Your advancement to Me, your Jesus, is very dear to them, and they pray day and night for you, My beloved children. Through their perfection, which they experienced through many purifications, both on earth and after their physical death, they receive all imaginable graces from My beloved Father for you, My beloved children. They pray for you. They intercede for you. And they ask and obtain wonderful graces for you, My beloved children.
So what can be more precious for you than to have even one saint on your side? Consider how many saints there are. You are free to choose with whom you want to "ally" yourselves. Just one saint can already obtain these graces for you, consider how many more graces are obtained for you, the more saints are on your side. This subject is very extensive. Know, My dear children, that the more saints pray for you NAMELY, the greater graces will be granted to you.
You, My beloved daughter, by your own goodwill on his part, have now won St. Bonaventure for yourself. Through your constant fidelity, you have always returned to the same place, and San Bonaventure has found goodwill in you. Deepen your relationship with him and trust in him.
My dear child. We love you.
Greetings. God the Father is also with you. We love you.
You are Our daughter.
Jesus, God the Father and your Mother in heaven.
Source: ➥