Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Saturday, January 5, 2013
There is no sin that cannot be forgiven.
- Message No. 14 -

Jesus is here saying, "Look at My image, My beloved child. What do you see?"
Me: "War, fighting in the Middle East, and now I see your sadness."
My beloved daughter, these wars must stop. My people here on earth, the children of God, are doing so much harm to each other. In the Middle East through wars, in dictatorships through oppression, in your so highly praised Western world through corruption. All this will stop. I am sad, My child. I suffer very much from your behavior, from your sins. You must find your way to Me so that I can liberate you. Free you from the hand of evil. I, your Jesus
It pains Me that I lose these beloved souls, so once again I call you to pray for them. Pray, My dear followers, so that all these souls who have not yet reached Me may find Me. The joy in Heaven is great as soon as even one sinful soul turns to Us, and We solemnly promise that with the slightest spark of repentance that a sinful soul shows Us, We will not let go of them, ie, We will pray for it as long as We can, united with all the saints and the work of the holy angels, that it will not fall into hell, but will be able to enter with Us into the Kingdom of Heaven.
My child, tell the world that there is no sin that cannot be forgiven, except blasphemy, insulting the Holy Spirit. Whoever speaks against the Holy Spirit of My Father is not worthy to enter the Kingdom of Heaven.
My child, I am very sad that so many children of God do not believe in Me. Tell them that I love them and I am waiting for them.
Your Jesus.
Thank you for answering our call.
Our Lady, Jesus and God the Father smile.
Source: ➥