Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Thursday, January 3, 2013
Every soul has the desire to live in joy.
- Message No. 12 -

Our Lady is waiting for me.
My child, be sure that I am always with you. Today I simply want to be with you. You, My child, are chosen to speak for Us. What We tell you has high value for the salvation of souls. If people do not confess My Son, Jesus Christ, they will not be saved. Your prayers, My dear children, contribute to the fact that other souls, who are not ready like your soul, will manage to find their way to Jesus.
Every soul has the desire to live in joy. This has been laid out this way by God the Father, the Most High. Only a soul corrupted by Satan finds happiness in the suffering of others. This does not come from God Our Father. As We have already told you, in a previous message, a soul that still has a spark of light in it, that is, that has not "consecrated" itself to the beast, can be saved by your prayer. So pray, My children. Your prayer is very important and will be heard and "processed" in Heaven. Without prayer millions and millions of souls are lost!
Share Our Word with the people.
My beloved daughter, I am going now. Do not be afraid. So many angels are always with you and all the saints you invite into your house. You do this because you are open to them - believe in them - and through them they are really with you. It is beautiful to have a child like you. Thank you, My child, for living your YES. We love you.
Your Mother in Heaven.
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