Messages to John Leary in Rochester NY, USA
Wednesday, June 19, 2024
Messages from Our Lord, Jesus Christ of June 5 to 11, 2024

Wednesday, June 5, 2024: (St. Boniface)
(Matt. 22:23-33) Jesus said: “My people, the Sadducees were trying to test Me with their story of a woman who married seven brothers. Those people, who come to heaven after death in this world, are like angels in their resurrection. There is no longer marriage as on earth, but you will know your spouse in heaven. I explained to the Sadducees that I am the God of the Living and not the God of the dead. These people were badly misled in their understanding of the resurrection. To be in heaven, you will be beyond your earthly expectations, because heaven is a world of love and peace without hate and evil. Only My believers will enter heaven’s gates.”
Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing the elite leading you to more serious wars so they could have the world ready for a false man of peace in the Antichrist. Your country will be going down because of your abortions, sexual sins, and your corrupt government. I have warned you about all of the corruption in the Ukraine, but the corruption in your government is even worse. When you push Me out of your lives, you will reap the whirlwind of destruction. When your country falls, I will call My faithful to My refuges for your protection with My angels. Keep close to Me in your daily prayers and monthly Confession.”
Thursday, June 6, 2024: (St. Norbert)
Jesus said: “My son, not everyone knows about Me and My willingness to help you through life. For those souls who love Me and your neighbor, you appreciate the order I have given to all of My creation, and even to men and women who I have given free will. When you come to understand My order in creation, then you see that I expect this order in your lives as well. You have free will to accept Me as the center of your life, or you can reject Me, as the evil ones do. But those people who love Me and obey My Commandments of love, will receive eternal life with Me in heaven. Keep close to Me in your daily prayers, Mass and Holy Communion, and you will understand the order I want in all of your lives. This life is temporary and your days here are numbered. So seek My Kingdom first and all that you need will be given you out of My abundant love.”
Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, some people can hear the trumpets of My angels as they are warning you of more weather destruction and the growing rumors of more wars to come. You also will see the flames of more fires all over the world because of your dry heat. Be prepared to come to My refuges for your protection.”
Jesus said: “My son, you took three weeks to finally get over your own sickness. After the agony of your coughing and little sleep, you know full well how difficult it is to get through your sickness. I told you to remember to pray for good health for yourself and your family in your prayer. Before you were sick, you took good health for granted, but now you know how hard it is to endure a long sickness. Pray for all of your family and friends to have good health as well.”
Jesus said: “My people, you have many conveniences available with your cars and computers, but when they rust out or stop working, then they need replacement. This My son, has caused you some difficulty in the last few weeks. Some people are fortunate to have money to pay for these replacements. Other people have a harder time to pay off what is needed. I know of all the trials My people are going through in your everyday lives. If you can help people in need, be ready to do what you can for your relatives and friends. Be ready even to help strangers when you can. If you cannot physically help someone, you can pray for their souls and for any help that they need.”
Jesus said: “My people, war is evil and many lives are lost in its wake. This is why I am always asking you to pray for peace. It is your leaders and your elites who are causing wars out of greed for power. You are celebrating an anniversary of one of the turning points in World War II on D-Day. Give thanks for all the soldiers who died, so you could have your freedom. Honor also all of the veterans who survived the war and those who may have disabling injuries.”
Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing power outages and lost homes from your recent tornadoes and thunderstorms. You are in need of electricity for lights and air conditioning in the summer. So power outages can cause severe problems in your households. Pray that people are able to replace any homes or cars that were destroyed by storms. Pray also for any lives that were lost. Your Divine Mercy Chaplet can be prayed for the deceased.”
Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing wars and rumors of wars. Weapons are being produced in many countries for the wars in Israel and the Ukraine. You will be seeing Russia pushing for a defeat of the Ukraine. They are being angered by Biden. Russia is still trying to restore the takeover of their old satellite countries. They are even considering the use of nuclear weapons when necessary for their goal. Pray that you do not see a nuclear World War III.”
Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing an increase in wars and they are spreading across the world. The elites are following Satan’s plans for a takeover of the world, and the Antichrist is about to declare himself. I have called My refuge builders to set up refuges for the protection of My faithful. You, My son, have set up your own refuge, and you have stored up food, water, and fuels for the coming tribulation. You also are prepared for Mass and around the clock Adoration. During the tribulation you will have My luminous cross to heal your physical ailments, and you will have priests for Confession and Mass. Trust in My protection as you will soon be brought into My Era of Peace as I have promised you.”
Friday, June 7, 2024: (The Most Sacred Heart of Jesus)
Jesus said: “My people, I am showing you My Sacred Heart that you honor this June. My love flows out to you from My Heart and I cherish every soul of My creation. You are all loved so much that I died to offer salvation for all of your souls who accept Me. There is a richness in life that you should appreciate in all of My gifts of love and graces that are available to all who seek them. They are given so you can share your love with everyone and Me. It is this bond of love that unites My Heart with your heart. It is this spiritual side of your soul that makes you so precious in My eyes. But beware of the devil, because he wants to steal your soul from Me with his evil allurements. So be on guard with your daily prayers and Mass so you can keep your soul clean of sin as much as possible in Confession.”
Jesus said: “My people, I love all of you so much, and I especially thank you for honoring My Sacred Heart and My Blessed Mother’s Immaculate Heart. Having Masses back to back is an excellent way to honor our Two Hearts. I thank all of you for coming to these two night Masses. Trust in Me to always share My graces with you in My Eucharist. You also had a beautiful Adoration before Mass. You had beautiful singing and many Latin hymns of older days that you recognized.”
Saturday, June 8, 2024: (The Immaculate Heart of Mary)
The Blessed Mother said: “My dear children, this is a special night to have Masses for both my Son’s Sacred Heart and my Immaculate Heart. This year you had the Masses on the proper days. I love My faithful children who pray My rosaries and wear my brown scapular. This celebration of our Two Hearts shows you how our Two Hearts are as one, and we join our hearts with your heart in love and faith. My son, you were blessed with a healing, and you are praying for your wife to get better. Keep close to our Two Hearts in your daily prayers. I am happy you are so faithful to praying your four rosaries every day in praying for your family’s souls. Keep praying to help the souls of your family on their way to heaven.”
Jesus said: “My people, I am showing you another vision of My coming Warning with a tunnel that your soul will travel outside of your body. The flash that you saw in the vision is a sign that My Warning will happen in an instant outside of time. My faithful need to come to frequent Confession so you will not have as hard an experience as someone in mortal sin. Those people in mortal sin at the time of the Warning could have a hell experience. During the six weeks of Conversion time without evil you need to get your family to Confession to cleanse their souls of any mortal sin. Every soul will have a chance to convert their sinful lives. Keep praying that your family’s souls will be saved during this Conversion time, or they could be lost in hell forever. You can help urge your friends to convert their sinful lives as well. I love all of you, but if you stay in mortal sin, your soul is dead to My love.”
Sunday, June 9, 2024: (Fr. Peter’s 40th Anniversary as a priest)
Jesus said: “My people, in this vision man can choose between accepting My peace, or the curse of war with Satan. In the first reading you saw how Adam and Eve were seduced by the devil with lies, so they sinned by eating the forbidden fruit. Now all of mankind has inherited a weakness to sin. I have given all of you free will to either follow Me or the devil. Those people, who follow Me and obey My laws, will have My promise of salvation, and you will be with Me forever in heaven. Those people, who follow the devil, will suffer forever in hell. You are rejoicing with Fr. Peter’s 40th Anniversary of his priesthood. Stay with Me in peace as you seek heaven.”
Monday, June 10, 2024:
Jesus said: “My people, this life is temporary and you are here for a short number of years that seem to go by faster, the older you are. My faithful are on the right stairway going up to heaven. You do not want to be on the stairway going down to hell. As you get closer to one hundred years old, you do not know at what age I will take you home. My son, I have told you that I will keep you alive into My Era of Peace. You are needed to help with your refuge for the faithful people who will be sent to your refuge. So be prepared to accept people who come when I give My faithful My inner locution. This time will be coming in your lifetime, so it is not far off in years. Plan prudently for the coming tribulation since you are already in the pre-tribulation time. Trust in Me that I will protect My refuge builders from the evil ones. This is why I have asked you to stay close to your refuge with only short trips away from your refuge. You will see events change quickly, and I will bring My faithful to My refuges before things will endanger your lives. I thank all of My refuge builders for setting up your refuges.”
Jesus said: “My people, this vision of a natural gas oven is another sign that the evil ones will find a way to shut down your electric grid. You may be able to use natural gas for a short while before the gas lines go empty. You have propane and wood for cooking, and I will multiply your fuels during the refuge time. I will also multiply your food and water as well. This is why I had you put water into all of your barrels. I told you, My son, that you will be using all of your preparations for your refuge. This vision is also another sign that you could be called to My refuges in a short space of time. This is why I keep telling you to be ready to accept people into your refuge. Trust in Me and My angels to protect your refuge from the evil ones.”
Tuesday, June 11, 2024: (St. Barnabas)
Jesus said: “My people, today you are celebrating the feast day of St. Barnabas who was a missionary with St. Paul, as they spread the faith in My Gospels. I spoke of having the salt of the earth, as you season your food. You also need the spiritual salt for exorcisms to cast out the demons. I am also the Light of faith in the world to dispel the darkness of evil. The salt and the Light are what My faithful can use to spread My Good News of My Resurrection. All of those people, who abide by My laws of love, will be promised a resurrection of your body with your soul on the last day. My Resurrection gives hope that one day you will be with Me forever in heaven. So be patient and trust in My protection at My refuges.”
Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, I hear all of your prayer intentions for the sick and those people who have died recently. Trust in Me that I will answer your prayers in My way and in My time. I thank you for all of your prayers this night. I bless all of you in your needs.”
Jesus said: “My people, both convictions of Trump and Hunter will be seeking appeals for their cases. Trump is dealing with a blue state for jurors, while Hunter is in his hometown. It will be interesting to see how both will handle any penalties. You are seeing how your courts are getting very political in their interpretations of the law.”
Jesus said: “My son, because the prices of used cars and new cars are so high now, people are trying to push their cars to last for as long as they can. Unfortunately, your salted roads are taking a toll on your cars with rusting. You were fortunate to find a good replacement car which you just had an undercoating put on to make it last. It is not easy to find replacement cars that people can afford. Pray for people to keep their vehicles in working order.”
Jesus said: “My son, you have been waiting patiently for My Warning and My giving you My inner locution to come to My refuges. You are seeing events at your borders that are taking your country down with all that is needed to house and give health care to all of the illegal immigrants. Biden is not doing anything to close the border, and he is still flying in even more illegal immigrants into your country. Biden’s goal is to allow these people to vote which is against your immigration laws and your voting laws. He wants permanent control of your government by any cheating elections that he can get away with. You will see some events that may cancel your election. Pray for a change in your corrupt government.”
Jesus said: “My people, Russia is planning a big push to take advantage of less arms coming to the Ukraine. Russia is even planning further invasions of Russia’s old satellite countries and even possible NATO countries. If this war expands, you could see a possible use of nuclear weapons if they meet heavy resistance. Pray for this war to find a peaceful solution and a peaceful solution to the war in Israel as well.”
Jesus said: “My people, you need your oil and natural gas to heat your homes and run your cars. The Green sources of energy do not supply enough power to run your economy. Biden’s plan to try and force people to buy electric cars is not working because people still are buying cheaper gas driven cars. His other proposals to limit gas ovens and other regulations are also running up against consumer resistance to these plans. Your people are voting with their pocketbooks to buy what they can afford. Pray for your people when they do not want to follow Biden’s edicts.”
Jesus said: “My people, I have already mentioned how you could see a revolution or chaos if the elections do not happen. You could also see a backlash if you see massive vote cheating like in 2020 when the people could reject such an outcome in 2024. The courts were not used to correct the cheating which could infuriate voters who see this cheating is done the same way in communist countries. If your people do not stand up for your freedom, then you will be just like Russia and China. Pray for a fair election.”
Source: ➥