Messages to John Leary in Rochester NY, USA
Thursday, October 12, 2023
Messages from Our Lord, Jesus Christ of October 1 to 10, 2023

Sunday, October 1, 2023: (St. Therese of Liseux)
Jesus said: “My son, I thank you for all of your years of service in spreading My Word in person to so many places. Now, I am calling you to use your Zoom meetings to spread My Word, and I have asked you not to travel to any more distant talks. Pray to help save souls, especially those souls who need conversion.”
St. Therese said: “My dear son, I will still give you a message even though my feast fell on a Sunday. I have been your spiritual director from heaven, and you have been tested with travel and working on your latest book. You are being made aware of some serious events that will start with this month. Keep up your prayer life despite what the evil ones are doing to prepare for the Antichrist’s coming reign, as the angels will protect you with their shields.”
Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing a vision of a tunnel that you will travel through when everyone will experience My Warning all at the same time. I am advising My faithful to go to Confession so your soul is clean for this coming experience. It is a blessing to see how I see your life and what you will do to improve your prayer life. When you see how your sins offend Me, many will seek out to confess their sins. During the six weeks of Conversion, I will provide priests for the many Confessions needed. The events will start slowly, but you will soon understand why I told you to not make any long trips. Pray for My people to be ready to come to My refuges once you understand the plans of the evil ones. I will protect you at My refuges.”
Monday, October 2, 2023: (Guardian Angel feast)
St. Mark said: “I am Mark and I stand before God to guide you every day of your life, and to protect you from evil. The Lord is also guiding you to stay close to home because of upcoming events that could possibly keep you from returning to your home. Be watchful for these threats, but you will be protected by me at your refuge. Be thankful for the Lord’s warnings, and for giving everyone a guardian angel. We love God and we direct our people to love God as well. Keep close to Jesus at Mass, Adoration, and in your prayers.”
Tuesday, October 3, 2023:
Jesus said: “My people, this vision of wine bottles is to remind My refuge builders to have wine, hosts, and water on hand for Mass at your refuges. I will multiply what you have so you can have supplies for Mass throughout the tribulation. This means you also need an altar, a chapel if possible, vestments for the priest, and books and candles. This may include a Pascal Candle if possible for your Easter Season. Remember to have a monstrance to place a consecrated Host for your Perpetual Adoration. It is My Real Presence that will be needed to help multiply your needs. I thank you for filling your empty 55 gallon barrels with water and some Good Friday oil to minimize freezing in the winter. With so many people coming, I will need to multiply the water in your barrels and in your water well. Trust in Me to provide for your needs in the coming tribulation of the Antichrist.”
Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing a ballistic missile in a silo. There are several countries now who can send atomic bombs by missiles. Russia even has new missiles that can travel fast at a low trajectory making it hard to shoot down. I have shown you a vision of missiles hitting your country. If bombs were exploded high in the sky, they could take down your electric grid with an EMP attack. I told you that your refuge angel would protect your equipment and solar systems from bombs, viruses, and comets. This is protection that is hard to imagine. So if your grid goes down, you will still have your solar power to run your water pumps and your sump pumps, as well as your refrigerator and lights. You will need separate heaters for heat in the winter, but you will not have ovens, or air conditioners. Trust in Me to have My angels protect all of My refuges, and multiply your water, food, and fuels.”
Wednesday, October 4, 2023: (St. Francis of Assisi)
Jesus said: “My people, only the Father knows the exact time of the Warning. A very evil event could trigger this time so I could call My faithful to My refuges for your protection. The Warning could be called during the troubled time before the Antichrist will declare himself. I will allow this evil time of the Antichrist’s tribulation, but only after My faithful have reached the safety of My refuges. The evil ones are planning to implement a change in your dollar over to a digital currency that can be tracked. Once the mark of the beast is about to be mandated, I will call My faithful to My refuges. Trust in Me to protect you from any harm from the evil ones.”
Thursday, October 5, 2023: (St. Faustina)
Jesus said: “My son, I know you are anxious about the coming plans of the one world people. This is why I have warned you not to travel out to your talks during October, but keep up with your Zoom meetings so you are able to warn the people of the coming events. I have warned you about the coming attack on your dollar that could affect people’s savings. You also should be prepared for another Pandemic virus that could cause another shutdown. I am warning My refuge builders to be ready when I will call My faithful to My refuges. When the evil ones threaten your lives, know that this will begin the coming tribulation. Trust in Me and My angels to protect you throughout all of the coming events.”
Prayer Group:
St. Faustina said: “My dear children, I am thankful that you chose the Divine Mercy Chapel for your live Adoration today. I also am grateful that you pray My Divine Mercy Chaplet at every one of your prayer group meetings. It is also special that you have the Divine Mercy Image on display because your prayers are enhanced for your intentions when you pray before this image of the Lord’s Divine Mercy. I love my Jesus so much and keep close to His mercy every day.”
Jesus said: “My people, I am giving you another glimpse of refuge living when you may have to use drying clothes outside instead of using your gas or electric dryer. Life at your refuge will be so peaceful, and you will be fortunate to have My angel protection during the tribulation. Give praise and glory to Me every day when you will be praying your holy hours before My Blessed Sacrament.”
Jesus said: “My people, there are large and small refuges, but because you are seeing a fair number of refuge builders dying from old age, I have told you that all of My refuges will be permanent. A good share of My refuges have water wells or other sources of water. You could have several barrels of water that I could multiply, if you do not have a water well. It is your Perpetual Adoration with My Real Presence that is absolutely necessary for every refuge. So make sure you have a monstrance at your refuge. My Real Presence is necessary for your faith to have your needs multiplied throughout the tribulation.”
Jesus said: “My people, you will be told at your Warning experience that it will be necessary for My faithful to seek out a refuge for your protection from the evil ones during the tribulation. When you receive My inner locution, you need to leave your home within 20 minutes with your backpack. Call on Me and I will have your guardian angel lead you with a flame to the nearest refuge. When you leave your home, your guardian angel will place an invisible shield over you for your protection so the evil ones will not see you. Give praise and thanks to Me for protecting you throughout the entire tribulation.”
Jesus said: “My people, this time of tribulation will be your purgatory on earth. Some faithful may even be martyred for continuing to believe in Me, even if faced with death. This could happen for those faithful who do not come to one of My refuges. I will lessen any pain if you are martyred for believing in Me. Those faithful who are martyred for My sake during the tribulation, will be resurrected to come into My Era of Peace where they will be like priests, and they will not die again.”
Jesus said: “My people, I have warned My faithful to follow the Catechism of the Catholic Church when there will be great errors from what is taught by Masonic elements of the Church. Stay close to My teachings as I instructed My apostles. Remember to test the spirit of teachings that go against My Word in the Catechism. I do not want any souls to be misled by any heresies, because I want all souls to be saved.”
Jesus said: “My people, when you see the Masons form a One World Religion on all of you, be ready to reject such teaching that will not be from Me. You will be called to My refuges for a true Mass with the proper words of Consecration. Do not be misled by this One World Religion because it will be evil and led by the followers of the Antichrist. Follow the teachings of St. John Paul II’s Catechism. My refuge angels will protect you from the evil ones at My refuges. Trust in My true teachings and do not worship anyone but Me.”
Friday, October 6, 2023:
Jesus said: “My people, the first reading shows the author is placing the blame for their captivity on their sins against Me. I sent them prophets to direct them back on the right path to Me, but these people refused to listen to the prophets’ words, and they even killed them. At first this people went their own way without making Me a part of their lives. After I allowed other nations to humble this people in defeat, then they saw their errors and they begged for My mercy to save them. If people take time to reflect on their actions, as when you come to Confession, then they will repent of their sins, and they will make changes to follow My ways. My ways are always better than your ways, so let Me lead you every day on the right path to heaven.”
The Blessed Mother said: “My dear children, you have the Light of my Son guiding you every day, but in the vision you are seeing the darkness of evil overtaking the people. I have my prayer warriors here who are constantly praying my rosaries, and I am grateful for them. It is unfortunate that the majority of the people do not pray every day. Without praying, the evil ones have more power over humanity. So my Son and I rely on our prayer warriors to hold the faithful remnant together. I want you to pray for all the refuge builders that they will be able to run their refuges so my faithful will have a place of protection through the tribulation. Rejoice for now that you can come to Mass and profess your faith without restraint. Be prepared, my children, because after the Warning and the six weeks of Conversion, you will need to go into hiding to protect your lives. My Son and His angels will protect you, but be ready to come to His refuges soon.”
Saturday, October 7, 2023; (Our Lady of the Rosary)
Our Lady said: “My dear children, I want you to follow my example of doing the Will of my Son. Our two hearts are as one and you can join your heart with ours. Keep praying your rosaries to save the souls of your family. All of those faithful, who believe in God, are marked with a cross on the forehead by the angels. It is these souls who are also marked in the Book of Life, for you will be with me in heaven with my Son. I love all of you so much and my Son and His angels will protect you in the coming tribulation. Have no fear, because Jesus loves all of you as I do. He will defeat all of the evil ones and bring you into heaven.”
Jesus said: “My people, I have mentioned many times to refuse to take the mark of the beast, or a computer chip in your body. (stadiums 12-29-18) Those people, who take the mark of the beast and worship the Antichrist, will be lost in hell. This is why when the mark of the beast will be mandated, I will call My faithful to My refuges for their protection. The UN troops will be sent house to house to force this chip on everyone. If people do not come to My refuges when they are called, then they are risking martyrdom in the detention death camps for not taking this chip. My angels will lead you to the nearest refuge so you will be protected from the Antichrist and his followers. Trust in Me to bring you safely into a refuge where My angels will not allow any evil people to enter.”
Sunday, October 8, 2023:
Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing in the vision how the demons are coming out of the volcanoes. This is another sign that your weak Biden is inviting war on your allies. Israel will fight back the Hamas missile attack and the fighters who invaded parts of Israel to take hostages. This will again test Biden in how much he will support Israel over the Ukraine. The Ukraine is corrupt, and it was the money that Biden received from Burisma that caused him to support them. Pray that this new war does not spread to other countries. Giving $6 billion to Iran is another source of weakness and is supporting Hamas. This is another event that will get worse over time. Pray for peace in the Middle East.”
Monday, October 9, 2023;
Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing this attack on Israel by Hamas as just the beginning of a major conflict. Because Israel is one of your allies, America could easily be drawn into this war. This could also affect your oil prices, if the Arab countries unite against America. It will strain your military and ammunition if you will support Israel and the Ukraine at the same time. Biden is such a weak leader that your military has been subdued in its spending. It will be difficult if you see a world war result from this conflict. Keep praying for peace, but be prepared to come to My refuges if your lives are threatened.”
Jesus said: “My people, you could see a larger war erupting like a volcano erupts in your vision. You could see your economy switch over to a war footing to manufacture weapons and ammunition which you are depleted from sending billions of dollars to the Ukraine. If you get involved with a war with your troops and planes, you will need your own arms and ammunition so you will stop sending such things to the Ukraine. The one world people want to destroy America by involving you in all of these foreign wars. Be aware that China might use this opportunity to take Taiwan. America could be tested by a world war. Be ready to come to My refuges when I call you.”
Tuesday, October 10, 2023:
Jesus said: “My people, you read from the Book of Jonah how he was called by Me to go to Nineveh to warn the people that their city would be destroyed in forty days. The people stopped their evil ways, and they put on sackcloth and sat in the ashes. They even fasted from food and asked Me for mercy. Because they repented of their sins, and stopped their evil ways, I relented of the evil I was going to do to that city. This is a reading you hear in Lent when you are called to seek My forgiveness of your sins, and you fast between meals. It is good to take one day of the week, as Friday, and fast between meals with no desserts or sweets. It is also desirable that you come to Confession at least once a month. Pay attention to My words as Mary did in the Gospel, so you can be on the right road to heaven.”
Jesus said: “My people, there are Masons in My Church and they are taking My Church down, like the elevator of your vision. In the synod you are seeing many proposals that are not following the traditions of the Roman Catholic Church. If these things get voted in, then you will see serious changes coming into My Church. You will see a split in My Church between those following the one world religion and My faithful remnant. My remnant may have to seek an underground church free from any Masonic influence. My refuges will be protected by My angels and no evil ones will be allowed to enter. You will need to depend on faithful priests to offer up a proper Mass with the right words of the Consecration. Trust in My protection throughout the entire tribulation time.”
Source: ➥