Messages to John Leary in Rochester NY, USA
Thursday, June 8, 2023
Messages from Our Lord, Jesus Christ – May 24-30, 2023

Wednesday, May 24, 2023:
Jesus said: “My son, this is an important message of warning. You are ready to go out traveling to share My messages with your healing, but I warned you before that the one world people are going to try to create a crisis with your Debt Limit. This is an opportunity for the Democrats and the evil ones to take over your country, and they will try to force the digital dollar on you. Before another Presidential election comes, this will violate your rules of government to change your money system. The Republicans, or the courts have not challenged Biden’s open borders, and they probably will not challenge the digital dollar either. This is the beginning of a takeover of your country. The planned Covid virus and the Covid shots showed the one world people how they could force a takeover on your people. After the digital dollar is forced on you, this will be followed by the mark of the beast being forced on you, just as they forced the Covid shots on you. Refuse to take the mark of the beast, and this will be a sign to come to My refuges. Those people, who refuse to take the mark of the beast and worship the Antichrist, will be killed at the detention death camps, if you are captured. I will warn you when to come to My refuges. These same evil ones will try and close your churches again so you could only have Mass by a faithful priest at My refuges. So be ready to come to My refuges soon because the time of the evil ones is running out.”
St. Joseph said: “My son, you are seeing events in your country that are threatening your freedoms. You do not have much longer when Jesus will be calling his people to His refuges. Once you come to your refuge, I will be using My tools to build a high rise and a large church to house 5,000 people. I told you it would be built in one day with the angels helping Me. You will be helping the people to manage their rooms along with their food and water that Jesus will multiply. Trust in heaven’s help to provide for your needs.”
Thursday, May 25, 2023:
Jesus said: “My people, the religious leaders and the Romans persecuted Me for speaking out about loving God and loving neighbor. Even St. Paul was persecuted for sharing My Good News. If they persecuted Me, they will persecute you also. The evil ones recognize your good deeds and your belief in Me, and this greatly offends them in their worldly ways. The more you proclaim My ways publicly, the more the evil ones will react to you. So be ready for their ill treatment of you because they will try to silence you on whatever platform you speak from. You see even the conservative voices being cancelled, but you can use other platforms if needed. Expect rejection from the evil ones because they shy away from My Light coming from you. Keep proclaiming My love and My Word that could convert people to the faith in Me. I will protect you at My refuges.”
Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, you are familiar with the experience I had with a woman at the well. I told her about her husbands, and I told her how I could give her My ‘Living Water’ from the Holy Spirit. If you have this Living Water, you would not have to keep coming to this well. I know you need plain water for your body’s survival, but the Living Water is for your soul’s survival. Trust in Me to protect you from the evil ones.”
Jesus said: “My son, I thank you for lighting this Paschal Candle for all of your prayer group meetings during the Easter Season. This Paschal Candle represents Me as the Light of the world, and I am happy that you are honoring Me during this Easter Season. You will be celebrating Pentecost Sunday this weekend that will end the Easter Season, and it starts a long series of Sundays after Pentecost. Rejoice at the coming of the Holy Spirit.”
Jesus said: “My people, you remember this scene when I was sleeping in a boat amidst a storm with My apostles fearing for their lives. My apostles had little faith that I would protect them from the storm. They awakened Me and I could see they were distressed. So I raised My arms and I said: ‘Peace, be still.’ At that there was a great calm on the water, and My apostles were amazed that I had control of the weather. When they later realized that I was God’s Son, then they understood My powers as the Second Person of the Blessed Trinity. My faithful can call on My help whenever you meet any storms or troubles in your life. Trust in Me to answer your prayers.”
Jesus said: “My people, My apostles witnessed My most powerful miracle when I resurrected from the tomb after three days. I appeared to them with My wounds, and I had St. Thomas put his finger into My hand, and his hand into My side so he could truly believe in My Resurrection, and to cast any doubt aside. I want everyone to believe in My Good News of My Resurrection. When you obey My Commandments and repent of your sins in Confession, then you will be on the right road to heaven, and I will raise you up on the last day.”
Jesus said: “My people, this is another sign how My Light dispels the darkness of sin all over the world. My Light shines brightly as this lighthouse to guide you on the right path to heaven. The evil ones shy away from My Light because they do not want their evil deeds known. The evil ones appear to have power now in the world, but their power will be brief when I will bring My justice down upon them when I return. No matter how many evil things will test your faith, trust in My coming victory over all the evil ones who will be cast into hell. I give everyone an opportunity to love Me or not. Souls go to hell by their own free will choice.”
Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing the events when the Antichrist will be given a brief reign over the earth. I have led some faithful people to set up refuges, so they can house the faithful who will be led by My angels to come to a haven of protection. My son, you are familiar with the preparation of your own refuge. You followed all of My instructions faithfully, and you believe in how I will protect My people, and you will see the separation of My faithful from the evil ones. By your strong faith, you have seen how I am having My angels protect you, and you will see Me multiplying all that you need to survive with My Perpetual Adoration at every refuge.”
Jesus said: “My people, you all have received the seven gifts and the twelve fruits of the Holy Spirit in your Confirmation. It is fitting that you have been given another weapon from the Holy Spirit to fight curses and demons. This Spiritual Sword is given, but you need to have faith in My Name, Jesus Christ, that you can use this against the demons. The demons know if you truly believe. So trust in Me and the Holy Spirit that you have been empowered as St. Michael the Archangel, so you are a warrior for Me to fight the evil ones.”
Friday, May 26, 2023: (St. Philip Neri)
(John 21:15-19) Jesus said: “My people, this dialog with St. Peter was when I asked him three times if he loved Me, and it was a test of his faith. In the Greek translation, I used the word of ‘agape’ love the first two times, and then ‘phileo’ love the third time. St. Peter answered with ‘phileo’ love all three times. I was trying to get St. Peter to answer with an unconditional love using ‘agape’ love. This is also connected with St. Peter’s three denials of Me. I wanted St. Peter to lead My sheep in all of My faithful. This is another sign how I intended St. Peter to lead My Church as the first Pope. (Matt. 16:18) ‘And I say to thee (St. Peter) thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build My Church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.’”
Jesus said: “My people, I have asked you to imitate My life because I am without sin. You have read in the Scriptures how I sometimes retreat into quiet places so I could pray to My Father in heaven. It is good to have some quiet moments of prayer to gain your strength so you are ready to fight your next battle against the evil of the world. Praying your rosary settles you down to understand the power of the rosary against the evil of your world. When you call on Me to strengthen you in fighting the evil ones, I will send you My angels to battle the demons working against you. The rosary is your special weapon to fight off the temptations of the evil ones, and My grace will strengthen you and help heal you from your sins. Your sins and battles with the evil ones can weaken your intention to fight off any addictions that can be used against you. Trust in Me to lead you on the right path, but it is good to come to an occasional retreat or spend some quiet time with Me to give you rest in your soul.”
Saturday, May 27, 2023:
Jesus said: “My people, you are preparing for the great feast of the Holy Spirit on Pentecost Sunday. In the first reading St. Paul is giving his last messages from Rome in prison with chains. Then in the Gospel you are reading the last verses of St. John’s Gospel. St. Peter was curious about what would happen to St. John, but it was not for him to know. I was telling St. Peter that he would be martyred, but that St. John would not be martyred as the rest of the disciples would also be martyred. St. John even mentions that there would not be enough books to write down every event that happened during My three years of My public ministry. There were so many miracles of healing that I performed, that it was obvious to My disciples that I had to be the Messiah that the prophets spoke about. Trust in My Word that I will perform many more miracles to help people believe in Me and be saved.”
Jesus said: “My people, a time is coming when your water, gas, and electricity will stop. This stoppage of your electricity will come from any number of causes. If your electricity stopped for a long time, many of your services would stop as well. This interruption could be a cause to come to My refuges where I could multiply your food, water, and fuels for your survival. My son, you have been preparing for independent living at your refuge for some years according to My directions. Those people, who are prepared, could survive any electric crisis. You will need My help though to survive the years of the Antichrist’s reign. So trust in Me and My angels that I will protect My faithful from all of the threats of the evil ones.”
Sunday, May 28, 2023: (Pentecost Sunday)
The Holy Spirit said: “I AM the Spirit of God and I bring life into every living thing. You are made up of body, soul, and spirit, and it is this living spirit that I put into each person. When you receive Confirmation, you receive the My gifts and My fruits of grace. The apostles were given a gift to speak in different languages so they could bring the Word of God to all peoples. They were also given a gift of healing and even a few raised people from the dead. I give My messengers a gift to write down their messages and give talks to spread My love with the people. All of the confirmed faithful need to call on Me to empower them on their spiritual missions. I love all of you, and I give you courage to evangelize souls.”
The Holy Ghost gave the message: “I AM the Spirit of God and you realize that I AM Present in every consecrated Host. I thank all of the people who dressed in red colored clothes in My honor. You may not have seen a flame over your head as the apostles received, but I am with you all of the time as you are a Temple of the Holy Spirit. Call on Me to help you in your daily struggles.”
Monday, May 29, 2023: (Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of Church)
The Blessed Mother said: “My dear children, I love all of you as a mother takes care of her children, and I bring you to my Son, Jesus. Thank you for praying your rosary in church today. You also are praying four rosaries per day, with the fourth rosary specifically for all of your family members that they could become believers in my Son after the Warning. You started this fourth rosary on 12-3-22 when my Son asked you to pray this as a Christmas gift. Now you have also adopted this for your prayer group as well. (12-8-22) You have my Statue of Fatima visiting in your chapel, so remember me every time you pray your rosary in your chapel. My son, you and your wife have been healed of your leg problems so you can travel better for your talks. Rejoice with me on my feast day.”
Tuesday, May 30, 2023:
Jesus said: “My people, My apostles gave up everything in order to follow Me. I taught them in My parables, but I explained the meaning to them privately. The human side of following Me is when people are looking for something for themselves like St. Peter asked. I told My apostles that they would receive plenty of rewards for their service, and persecution besides. Most of all, My faithful will be blessed to live in My Era of Peace and then in heaven to come. You may be making sacrifices to go out and share My Good News, but you will have joy to see people who come to Me in faith as believers. Bringing souls to Me will be a reward for you, and happiness for these souls who are converted.”
Jesus said: “My people, you have a leader who took millions of dollars from China and he laundered the money through many fake businesses to hide it and avoid taxes. He literally has sold you out to China, and he cannot be trusted because he is committing treason against your country. Biden is also weaponizing the FBI and the CIA to cover up any trails of money back to him. Biden is making your country vulnerable to China even with the Chinese balloons that were allowed to travel over your bases and your electric grid. Once these money scandals could be prosecuted, Biden should be impeached for taking money from your worst enemy in China. Be prepared to come to My refuges when I call you, because the communists are about to take over your country as your punishment for your many sins.”
Source: ➥