Messages to John Leary in Rochester NY, USA
Sunday, April 16, 2023
Sunday, April 16, 2023

Sunday, April 16, 2023: (Mercy Sunday)
Jesus said: “My son, you are nothing without Me, and you need to feed on the Bread of My Eucharist for your physical and spiritual strength. Your daily prayers are your means to show Me your love for Me, and I know you want to follow My Will and all of My instructions. This vision of traveling in a boat upstream is a sign to you of how you must suffer persecution when you preach My Word of love for everyone. The evil ones try to control your mind with their lies and mandates of the vaccines. Tell My people they need to pray more and trust in My protection without fearing the plans of the evil ones. When you have courage in following My Ways and not the ways of the world, you will have constant joy in sharing My Word and evangelizing souls for Me. In the end it is the saving of souls that should be your most important mission. Just as I sent out My apostles to spread My Word of love, so I send My faithful out to help bring the lost sheep back to Me. So ask the Divine Shepherd in Me to send out more laborers in the midst of wolves to pray for more vocations to the priesthood.”
P.S. Offer up our pains and troubles for the poor souls and for the souls in purgatory. Jesus loves our personal prayer that comes from our heart.
Jesus said: “My people, I love all of you so much and you are seeing in this image how I pour out My mercy, My graces, and My Living Water of the Holy Spirit on all of you. You live in My Sacred Heart and you are the dwelling place of the Holy Spirit. I also showed you the Shroud of Turin that covered My Body in the tomb. You have seen and heard from an old, deceased friend how you are all present in the blood of this Shroud when it is magnified. I died for all of you to bring you salvation. So trust in Me to guide you through life.”
Jesus said: “My people, after you have come to Confession and you prayed the Divine Mercy Novena, you are receiving your plenary indulgence. This is why you have so much joy in your heart and soul because you have been healed of all the punishment due for your sins. You have your trust in Me to accomplish the spiritual mission I have given each of you. Rejoice, rejoice, My people, because you have been set free of all of the bonds of your sins. Love one another as I love you every day.”
Source: ➥