Messages to John Leary in Rochester NY, USA
Thursday, March 2, 2023
Thursday, March 2, 2023

Thursday, March 2, 2023:
Jesus said: “My people, the Democrats are liars and thieves. They say how everything looks good, but in reality Biden is taking your country down in every way possible. He is reducing your military’s means to fight by giving away your ammunition and weapons to the Ukraine. His overspending has caused your inflation and your National Debt is even hard to pay the interest on your debt. He is ruining your border states with an open Southern border. He wants to free all student loans, but the Supreme Court may stop this giveaway. He is still trying to mandate Covid shots and masks, when there are few sick people. All of his plans are to control your freedoms and force you to stop using fossil fuels which is a disaster for your economy. If your government is not turned around soon without a cheating election, all of you will be in deep water of destruction. Pray for such a change, or I may have to call My faithful to the safety of My refuges.
Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing a vision of the Communion of Saints. The saints and angels are the Church Triumphant and they are praying for you on earth as the Church Militant. The faithful on earth are praying for the souls in purgatory as the Church Suffering. You have souls in all three realms giving glory to Me as you are all joined in the Communion of Saints.”
Jesus said: “My people, you remember how I brought My wrath down on the people who built the Tower of Babel when I confused these people, who worshiped other gods, with many different languages. Even today the people of this world are worshiping other gods of pleasure, riches, and comforts. I am your God and Savior, and I am the only One you should be worshiping. I created all of humanity and I love all of you enough to die for your salvation. So show your love for Me by worshiping only Me at Mass on Sunday.
Jesus said: “My people, I am showing you a person who died, and there was a funeral Mass for this person. My son, you have been to many funeral Masses, and it is good to offer prayers and Masses for the deceased souls. Most souls go to purgatory or hell with only a few going directly to heaven. It is good to have a picture of your deceased loved one in a place so you can remember to pray for this soul. There are other deceased relatives that may still be in purgatory. Pray for all the poor souls in purgatory and remember to offer Masses for their souls with their name intention.”
Jesus said: “My people, you have seen some blackouts from ice storms and other disasters. In this vision I am showing you how My light of grace can come into your hearts to heal you of your spiritual blindness. Let Me come into your hearts after a worthy Holy Communion. Those faithful, who believe in My Real Presence in the consecrated Host, have a short time when I am with you in a small taste of heaven. You are happy to be with Me at every Mass and when you are with Me in Adoration of My Blessed Sacrament. Call on Me to help you and you will receive My graces into your soul. Rejoice when you are in My Presence.”
Jesus said: “My people, I make a unique mold for every person who I create, and you are made in My Image to live forever in your soul. You are molded in your mother’s womb, and I place the Spirit of Life in your soul at the moment of your conception. You are wonderfully made and born into the world that I have prepared for you. This is why every unborn child is precious to Me, and you should not kill My unborn babies with abortion. Each person has been given an earthly and a spiritual mission which should not be violated by abortion. Keep working and praying to stop abortion, and allow My babies to fulfill My plan for them by being allowed to live.”
Jesus said: “My people, there are Satan worshipers who are led by the devil to try and kill people with wars, abortions, viruses, vaccines, and murders. There are evil scientists who are purposely using gain of function viruses for the purpose of reducing the population. They create the problem with deadly viruses to kill people. Then these same evil ones produce mRNA vaccines as a supposed cure as a solution to the problem. Like the Covid vaccines, these evil shots were designed to manufacture the spike protein in the body that causes the Covid disease. This spike protein is shed from the infected person to other healthy people. The pharmaceutical companies are making these mRNA vaccines that are killing people, and they get millions of dollars from your government to give shots and many boosters that ruin your immune system. These evil ones, who want to reduce the population, will face Me in death, and they could be condemned to hell for their evil deeds.”
Jesus said: “My people, I shine My Light of grace into every soul when you receive My sacraments. In order to receive My graces worthily, you need to be free of mortal sin. This is why you can come to Me in repentance in Confession, and the priest’s absolution will free your mortal sin and restore My sanctifying grace to your soul. I call on all souls to be cleansed of their sins by their free will decision. I do not force Myself on anyone, but I ask you to open the door to your soul from the inside. This is why you see pictures of Me knocking on the door of people’s soul. It is only when I can enter your soul that I can cleanse your sins and bring you back into My graces as a part of My Church. I call on My faithful to evangelize souls so they can appreciate My love for each soul. Keep close to Me in frequent Confession, your Masses, and your daily prayers. Let My Light shine into your soul, especially with this Lenten Season.”
Source: ➥