Messages to John Leary in Rochester NY, USA
Saturday, February 25, 2023
Saturday, February 25, 2023

Saturday,February 25,2023:(Bishop’s Mass for Eucharistic retreat)
Jesus said: “My son, you are being graced to see Me in My Real Presence in a consecrated Host. You live to see Me every day at Mass and at night in Adoration of My Blessed Sacrament. You started coming to daily Mass when you were seventeen years old as you entered college. I have always been a part of your life, but you were blessed with My inner locution messages in 1993 when you went to Medugorje and you were healed of a computer addiction. In the Gospel at Mass you read about Levi, the tax collector who had his name changed to Matthew, once I called him to follow Me. Matthew is one of the four evangelists who wrote his Gospel of My ministry. I asked him to have dinner with Me, and he brought his fellow tax collectors and others who the Pharisees called sinners. The Pharisees questioned Me why I ate with sinners. I told them that sick people need a physician, and those who are not sick, do not. I came to heal and forgive those people who are sinners and not the self-righteous. This is why I died on the cross to bring salvation to all souls who believe in Me as their Savior. You can come to Me in the priest in Confession so you can be cleansed of your sins with the priest’s absolution. By coming to frequent Confession of at least monthly, you can keep your soul clean and ready to receive Me at your judgment day. This Lent make sure you come to Confession before Easter. Part of your penances is to have your sins forgiven in Confession. I love all of you and I am always with you in My Eucharist at Mass, and in My tabernacles.”
Jesus said: “My people, these souls, who are suffering in the flames of lower purgatory, are feeling pain in their soul bodies. They are being purified for their sins, and they will be there until they have some prayer warriors pray for them, or until they can have Masses offered for them. This is My justice that they are suffering, but you are being inspired to pray for these souls. They cannot pray for themselves, but they are promised one day to be released from purgatory into heaven. Once these souls have paid their minimum time in the flames, they can be moved to upper purgatory where there are no flames. These souls are still suffering not being with Me in heaven. Each stage of purgatory has its own suffering for the souls. These souls can pray for those people who are on earth who prayed for them. When the souls are released from purgatory into heaven, they will dedicate all of their time to pray for the souls who released them. As you think about how much these souls are suffering, remember them in your prayer intentions every day. I love all of My people on earth, and I allow your prayers to help free these souls in purgatory. These souls love you and they are begging you to pray for them. They will repay you as I am thanking you to help these souls.”
Source: ➥