Messages to John Leary in Rochester NY, USA
Thursday, December 15, 2022
Thursday, December 15, 2022

Thursday, December 15, 2022: (Funeral Mass for Mark Hanna)
Jesus said: “My people, it is sad to see someone die relatively young at 68 from suffering two years with cancer. Such a sickness is humbling for anyone. Mark was happy to see so many people come to his wake and the funeral Mass. He loves everyone who he left behind, and he will be praying for his family and watching out for them. He thanks all of the people who took care of him in his last days. He went to heaven with this Mass.”
Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, I have spoken to you about a time when there will be a division in My Church. You will see a new Mass introduced as a part of a one world religion. This will be the beginning of the Great Reset. My faithful will have to come to a refuge Mass to have the proper words of Consecration. The new Mass will not have the proper words of Consecration, and I will not be Present in the host of the new Mass.”
Jesus said: “My people, I thank all of your members for coming out to your prayer group, despite the bad weather. I also thank you for praying the four rosaries that My Blessed Mother requested to pray for the conversion of your family’s souls. As you come to so many funerals, you see how quickly life passes by and people are called home in their death. Pray for all of the souls of the deceased people when you come to a funeral.”
Jesus said: “My people, remember to thank all of the people who bring food for your rosary group, and those who bring flowers for the altar. It is when different people bring things that you appreciate the chef for your meal. As you each make your own contribution of a dish to pass, you realize how you will be eating meals at your refuge. When you are called to My refuges, you will appreciate those people who I called to set up refuges during the tribulation time.”
Jesus said: “My people, I give you all a guardian angel, so you will have many guardian angels at each refuge. You are fortunate that St. Meridia has been given to you as your prayer group angel and your refuge angel. Hopefully, you will have a priest or more at your refuge so you can have Mass and the sacraments. If you do not have a priest, My angels will bring you daily Holy Communion. When you come to My refuges at the proper time, you will also have a luminous cross in the sky over your refuge. When you look on this luminous cross, you will be healed of all of your infirmities.”
Jesus said: “My people, when you see this comet that will appear as two suns in the sky, this will be the day of My Warning. Each of you will have your own vision of being brought in front of Me to witness your own life review. After feeling sorry for your sins, you will see your own place of judgment based on what you did during your life. Then you will have six weeks of a conversion time with no evil influence. This will be your time to try and convert your family members to believe in Me. If they do not believe in Me and do not change their lives, then they could be on the road to hell. Pray for these conversions of your family to believe in Me. This is why you are praying your fourth rosary in order to evangelize the souls of your family so they do not go to hell. By being converted, they will be allowed into a refuge. Each person who believes in Me will have a cross placed on their forehead by My angels.”
Jesus said: “My people, one of the signs of a refuge is to have a source of water that you will need for drinking, cooking, washing dishes and clothes, and for sponge baths. This is why I had you, My son, put in a well on your ground. My angels will multiply this fresh water for all of the people who come to your refuge. Do not worry about the water running out, because you will have plenty of fresh water. Remember how I did not let the wine run out at the wedding feast at Cana. I also provided the bread for the 5,000 and the 4,000 people, so I know how to feed all of the people, even for less than 3½ years of the tribulation.”
Jesus said: “My people, be patient and do not be anxious about the dates of the coming events as the Warning and the tribulation time. Some people may die of fright on the day of the Warning. Trust in Me that My angels will make you invisible to the evil ones who will want to kill you. These evil ones will not see you coming to My refuges. If non-believers were originally present in a refuge, they will be ushered out of your holy place. This is why any of My faithful can have a refuge, and I will honor their desire by having My angels provide for what is needed at all of My refuges. Have no fear because My angels will not allow anyone to be harmed at My refuges. You will have to live in trust of My miracles by your faith that I can do all things for you, such as protecting you and feeding you for all the years that you will be at My refuges during the tribulation.”
Source: ➥