Messages to John Leary in Rochester NY, USA
Monday, September 26, 2022
Monday, September 26, 2022

Monday, September 26, 2022: (St. Cosmas & St. Damien, Camille)
Camille said: “Hello, John. I see you have a real mess down here with all of the things your leaders are doing. I have never seen such a disaster as an open border to let anyone come into your country. I can see your leaders are doing everything to establish a communist state. The one world leaders are planning to control your election again with their money. Be prepared for some real trials. Lydia and I are watching over Carol, Sharon, and Vic.”
Jesus said: “My people, a woman has been blessed to be able to conceive and bear children which is a share in My creation of children. I put the spirit of life in each soul at conception with the power of the Holy Spirit. There are some mothers who are killing their children with abortion, which is defying My plan of the creation of life. When you have children with both parents, now you have a true family as you were given the example with Adam and Eve, as well as with My Holy Family. The family is meant to be the basic unit of your society. This is why the devil and the communist thinking people want to destroy life and break up the family. When your schools are brain washing your children in public schools, some teachers are trying to split the families with communist teaching. This is why you are seeing more faithful families who are home schooling their children. Pray for the parents and the children that they will bring the sacraments to their children as Baptism, Penance, Holy Communion, and Confirmation. This brings the children into the faith and they can come to know and love Me. Without the sacraments and without teaching the faith, the children could be far from Me. You can see fewer young people in church because they are not being trained properly in the faith. So pray that your children can receive My sacraments and be trained properly in a family setting of husband and wife. You are called to help save your souls and the souls of your children.”
Source: ➥