Messages to John Leary in Rochester NY, USA


Tuesday, May 10, 2022

Tuesday, May 10, 2022


Tuesday, May 10, 2022: (St. Damien)

Jesus said: “My people, you have been reading the Acts of the Apostles and how St. Paul and Barnabas were making converts for Me at Antioch. It was in this town that they were first called Christians. Many of these converts were Gentiles as St. Paul was teaching many Gentiles. They converted some Jews as well when they saw miracles of healing. In the Gospel the people heard many of My parables, but they wanted to know if I was the Messiah. I did not answer them directly, but I witnessed My many miracles to them as a sign that I was the Son of Man. At the end I told them that the Father in heaven and I are One, but they did not grasp the full meaning of My words. Only later after the miracle of My Resurrection, did some of these people become believers. Give praise and thanks to Me that you have become true believers in faith which is a gift to be with Me.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have seen in World War II how Hitler gassed and burned the remains of many people in the ovens you saw in Dachau, Germany. You also went to the Holocaust museum in Washington, D.C. where there were thousands of shoes from the people who were killed. Many of you said never again shall you see another mass killing. Yet when America looks in the mirror, you are seeing thousands of unborn babies killed in the womb by your abortion doctors. It is hard to imagine why a mother would kill her own children in such high numbers. The pro-abortion people want to have the legal right to kill their own children. If you saw a suction abortion, you would be aghast at how you could tear a small body limb from limb with all the blood around. Yet this is the Roe v Wade decision that might be overturned and sent back to the states. I have told you that America would face a punishment for allowing a decision to legalize killing unborn children in the womb in every state. This punishment will be a takeover of America by foreign troops when you will lose all of your freedoms. Before the evil ones start killing My faithful, I will bring My Warning, and I will call My people to the protection of My refuges with My angels. Keep praying to stop your abortions with your many rosaries.”

Source: ➥