Messages to John Leary in Rochester NY, USA
Saturday, February 12, 2022
Saturday, February 12, 2022

Saturday, February 12, 2022:
Jesus said: “My people, in today’s Gospel you read how I multiplied the bread and the fish for the 4,000 people to have food to eat. This is a sign of how I multiply the Bread of Myself in Holy Communion at every Mass. I am concerned more for your spiritual life that you are nourished and strengthened with My Blessed Sacrament, than just feeding your body with bread. That is why keeping a clean soul and coming to Mass is so important that you worship Me on Sunday, and even daily if possible. You need to encourage your family to get to Sunday Mass as much as possible. If they are healthy and can get to church on Sunday, it is a serious sin to miss Mass. The children or young adults may not wish to hear you telling them about coming to Sunday Mass, but tell them you are asking them out of love for them, that they need to obey My Third Commandment to worship Me on Sunday. These souls are your responsibility, and you need to reach out to them.”
Jesus said: “My son, you are noticing the connection of Hosea and his wife, Gomer, with My love for Israel, and even My love for all of humanity in the New Testament. Hosea married Gomer, and he was faithful to her even when she became a harlot with two pregnancies. Gomer fell in with a rich man, but when she displeased him, he had her auctioned off. At the last minute Hosea bought her back with all of his savings, and he took her back into his home. This is symbolic of how the people of Israel sinned against Me like a harlot and Israel had to suffer at the Babylonian Exile. After 70 years I allowed Israel to be restored. In the New Testament God the Father sent Me, His only begotten Son, to die on the cross to redeem all of the sins of mankind. My death and resurrection paid the debt for all of man’s sins. I opened the gates of heaven to all of those sinners who were willing to ask My forgiveness of their sins. See how merciful I am to keep forgiving your sins when you come to Me in Confession many times over the years.”
Source: ➥