Messages to John Leary in Rochester NY, USA
Thursday, June 24, 2021
Thursday, June 24, 2021

Thursday, June 24, 2021: (The Nativity of St. John the Baptist)
Jesus said: “My people, your readings today give glory to the birth of your children. The unborn babies have every right to live as much as those people after birth. This is why your killing babies by abortion is such a serious sin against My act of creation. At conception a soul is placed in this new life and this baby has been given a mission specific to the gifts given to this child. Man or woman has no right to destroy this child and thwart My act of creation. St. John the Baptist had a great mission to prepare the way for My coming salvation. He fulfilled his mission as one crying out from the desert that people should repent of their sins and be baptized by immersion in the water of the Jordan River. Listen to My prophets as I am preparing you again for My return.”
Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, you mentioned several intentions for people who have died recently. Praying the Divine Mercy prayers tonight will go to help these souls. I have said before that the Divine Mercy Chaplet is the best prayer to pray for the dead. You have seen souls saved with these prayers. I will multiply your prayers for all of your intentions.”
Jesus said: “My people, you have heard in the Gospel about the good tree that bears good fruit, and the bad tree that bears bad fruit. There are good and bad people as well, so you will know a person by the fruit of their actions. I love all of My people, and I give all of you an opportunity to use your gifts to bear good fruit. When you come to your judgment, you will be judged on the fruit of your actions, whether you loved Me and your neighbor, or not.”
Jesus said: “My people, you may be familiar with the ‘Secrets of Oz’ movie that described the difference between debt money and government script without debt. It is the one world people who started your recent debt money in 1913. They control the printing of money and they profit from the interest on this debt money. During Lincoln’s time you were more prosperous without debts. But now your one world bankers are about to crash your current money system because your government spending is getting out of control. When your country goes into default on its debts, your money will no longer be a ‘reserve currency’ of the world. When your money crashes, there will be chaos and it may be necessary for Me to call you to My refuges of safety.”
Jesus said: “My people, I have been warning people that bad times are coming when you will see food shortages and high unemployment. This could result if you see a bankruptcy of your government. If you could choose an investment, it would be to buy three months of food for your families. You cannot eat your money in a food shortage. If your money becomes worthless with a new currency, you could not be able to buy any food, and you would rely on what you have in your pantry. If My faithful are short of food before you come to My refuges, I will multiply your food if you pray to Me in faith.”
Jesus said: “My people, the evil ones will release a new deadly virus after My Warning, and this could kill many vaccinated people. The vaccinated people have had their immune system ruined by the spike protein in the Covid shots. So when a new virus comes, their immune systems will fail and many will die. I have given you My Good Friday oil, and the exorcism water with the miraculous medal which you can use to bless the vaccinated people so they will not die. You will be told in your Warning that vaccinated people will need this blessing, or they will die. Only My believers will be healed, and only My believers can enter My refuges to be healed by looking on the luminous cross. Otherwise, those people, who do not believe in My healing nor believe in Me, could die and go to hell. Pray for your families to get blessed so they do not die from the next virus.”
Jesus said: “My people, I will warn people in their Warning experience that there will be only two kinds of people: those people, who believe in Me, and those people who do not believe in Me. I will warn My believers with a cross on their forehead, that they will need to come to My refuges so they are protected by My angels from the Antichrist and the demons during the tribulation. The non-believers will suffer from the coming plagues and the abuse of the Antichrist. My refuge angels will only allow My believers to enter My refuges of safety. Trust in Me and I will protect My faithful from any diseases and from any evil demons.”
Jesus said: “My people, a day of judgment is coming on the world when I will separate My sheep of the faithful from the goats of the evil ones. Everyone will have a free will choice to be with Me, or they can choose the world and the devil. Those faithful people will be protected by My angels from any destruction of the Comet. After all of the evil ones have been cast into hell, I will raise My people into the air so I can renew the face of the earth. Then I will bring My faithful down into My Era of Peace where you will live a long time without any evil presence. You will be prepared to be like saints, as I will take you to heaven when you die. Give praise and thanks to Me if you are written in the Book of Life for all of those people who will be with Me in heaven for all eternity.”
Source: ➥